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Batter Blast

Eliot McAllister (a.k.a. Batter Blast)

A daring human racer who excels in the Pancake Plunge. His fearless approach to the ramps and loops makes him a thrilling racer to watch.   Eliot McAllister, known as "Batter Blast" in the world of high-speed racing, stands tall at 6'2" with a lean, athletic build that seems sculpted for the cockpit of his gravity-defying vehicle. His hair is a wild, fiery red, often sticking out in every direction beneath his signature blue and silver racing helmet. A pair of piercing emerald eyes flash with excitement and determination, perfectly framed by the smudges of grease that perpetually cling to his freckled cheeks. His skin is tanned from hours under the sun's glare on the racing tracks, and his smile is a dazzling array of perfect teeth that seem to challenge the very concept of danger. The racing suit he dons is a sleek blend of high-tech fabrics, tailored to hug his frame and allow for maximum mobility. It's emblazoned with the emblem of a golden pancake, a nod to his specialty event, the Pancake Plunge. His hands, calloused and nimble, are a testament to his mechanical prowess, capable of coaxing the most impossible maneuvers from his custom-built racer.   Batter Blast is a whirlwind of energy and charm, with a heart as big as the engines that power his racers. His passion for the sport is infectious, inspiring a devoted fanbase that loves his daredevil antics as much as his winning streaks. Off the track, Eliot is a whiz with mechanics, often found lost in the intricate mazes of gears and circuits. His curiosity and problem-solving skills are matched only by his unshakeable optimism. He's the kind of person who can find a silver lining in a flat tire. Despite his success, he remains down-to-earth, always eager to lend a hand to up-and-coming racers and share his knowledge. His rivalries are friendly, fueled more by a love of competition than animosity. Eliot's life is an embodiment of the racing spirit: fast-paced, thrilling, and full of unexpected twists and turns. Yet, at his core, he's a soft-hearted dreamer who never forgot the thrill of that first engine roar and the taste of victory pancakes shared with his father.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eliot's love for racing began on the dusty streets of his hometown, Pancrest, where the Pancake Plunge originated. As a child, he would sneak into the garage of his father, a former racer turned mechanic, to tinker with the machines that roared to life under his curious touch. The Plunge, a series of gravity-defying tracks looping through the city's skyline, was more than just a race; it was the heartbeat of Pancrest. When Eliot turned 18, he built his own racer from scraps and entered the local circuits. His natural skill and fearlessness quickly caught the attention of racing enthusiasts and sponsors alike. His rise to fame was meteoric, earning him a spot in the Pancake Plunge Grand Championship. The roar of the engines and the cheers of the crowd became his symphony, the wind his muse, and the track his canvas. Despite his success, he remained humble, often seen with a wrench in hand, tinkering in his garage, a reminder of his roots.


Family Ties

Current Status
Member of the Flying Flapjack Fleet
Current Location
Current Residence
The Batter Bastion
Emerald eyes
Wild, fiery red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lean, athletic build
Aligned Organization


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