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Bouncing Benny

Benny Bramblefoot (a.k.a. Bouncing Benny)

A jovial halfling with an infectious laugh, Benny is known for his powerful jumps and flips. His "Caramel Corkscrew" maneuver is a crowd favorite.   Bouncing Benny Bramblefoot is a sprightly halfling with a gleeful twinkle in his emerald eyes and a shock of curly, chestnut hair that refuses to be tamed. His cheeks are plump and rosy from the rush of the wind during his daring pancake races, and his skin is a warm, honeyed brown from a lifetime spent under the open skies. He stands at a respectable 3 feet 4 inches tall, with a compact yet surprisingly muscular build that belies his gravity-defying antics. Benny's attire is as colorful as his personality: a vibrant ensemble of red and yellow, with a green scarf fluttering behind him as he soars through the air. His most distinctive feature, aside from his signature stunt pancake hat, is the pair of intricately carved wooden wings strapped to his back, a testament to his unparalleled skill in the art of aerial acrobatics.   Bouncing Benny is a whirlwind of positivity and good cheer. His laugh is as warm and comforting as a freshly baked muffin, and his smile can melt the iciest of hearts. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and treats every member of the Flyers' Flotilla as his kin. Benny is a natural showman, always eager to put on a spectacle for the crowds that gather to watch the pancake races. He thrives on the roar of the audience and the thrill of competition. His fearlessness in the face of danger is matched only by his love for a good joke or a well-told story.   In his quieter moments, Benny is introspective, reflecting on the ancient halfling legends that inspired him and the boundless possibilities of the world above. He is known to have a sweet tooth, often carrying a small bag of honey-drenched acorns for quick snacks between his high-flying stunts. His enthusiasm is infectious, and his tales of adventure have inspired many a young halfling to look to the skies and dream of their own "Caramel Corkscrew" moments.   The Flyers' Flotilla is not just a job to Benny; it's a way of life. He sees the world as a giant playground waiting to be explored, and every race is an opportunity to soar higher and leave a trail of happiness in his wake. With each flip and twirl, he honors the legacy of those who came before him, and each landing is a promise to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible for those who come after

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Benny hails from the cozy village of Buttermilk Bower, nestled in the heart of the Great Pancake Plains. From a young age, he was fascinated by the legends of the "Flying Flapjacks," ancient halfling acrobats who danced upon the clouds. Despite his family's more grounded traditions as renowned beekeepers, Benny's heart was in the air. He began constructing his own pair of wings from the branches of the mighty sycamores that surrounded his village, using the lightweight and flexible materials available to him. Through trial and error, Benny discovered his innate talent for combining the joy of cooking with the thrill of flight. He became the youngest member of the Flyers' Flotilla, a diverse group of performers who travel the lands, bringing joy and wonder to the hearts of those who dare to dream. His flair for the dramatic and boundless energy soon earned him the title of "Bouncing Benny," the most daring and entertaining pancake racer in the troupe.
Buttermilk Bower
Chestnut, Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honeyed brown
slightly muscular build
Aligned Organization


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