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Mystra Fluffington

Founder of the Whipped Cream Whisperers' Guild, and member of the Flying Flapjack Fleet.   Mystra Fluffington is a delicate being of ethereal beauty. Her skin is a warm, golden brown, reminiscent of the perfect pancake's surface kissed by a soft summer sun. Her eyes sparkle with the vibrant blue of a freshly squeezed berry syrup. Her hair cascades in soft, thick waves, resembling a fluffy mountain of whipped cream. Despite her age, she maintains the youthful visage of a 25-year-old, thanks to the rejuvenating properties of the Whipped Cream Whisperers' secret elixirs. Mystra stands at an average Pancake-Elf height, but her posture is always poised and elegant, as if she were floating atop a invisible cloud of batter. Her attire is a blend of practicality and flair, with a lightweight, billowy outfit that allows for swift movement in the air, adorned with intricate lace patterns that mimic the swirls of cream on a gourmet dessert.   Mystra is a charismatic leader with a zest for adventure and a penchant for the dramatic. Her voice is as sweet and light as the whispers she uses to guide her pancake steed, capable of soothing the most volatile of creatures. She is fiercely loyal to her guild and her friends in the Flying Flapjack Fleet, often putting herself in harm's way to protect them. Her sharp wit and cleverness are matched only by her agility in the air. Despite her fearless exterior, she harbors a deep love for the simple pleasures in life, such as a perfectly crafted pancake or a quiet moment with a good book. Mystra is known for her compassion and empathy, often going out of her way to lend a helping hand or an ear to those in need. Her optimism is infectious, and she has an uncanny ability to lift the spirits of those around her, even in the face of the most daunting challenges.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the heart of the Great Pancake Plains, Mystra discovered her natural talent for pancake racing at a young age. Her family, renowned for their exquisite pancake craftsmanship, had always hoped she would take over their legendary pancake restaurant, "The Golden Flip." However, Mystra's heart was set on the thrill of the skies. As she grew, she became obsessed with the ancient tales of the Whipped Cream Whisperers, a clandestine guild rumored to protect the sacred recipes of the Pancake-Elves from those who would use them for ill. Upon discovering an ancient scroll hidden in her family's kitchen, she found her true calling. She trained tirelessly, mastering the art of pancake flight and the whispers that could manipulate whipped cream. Mystra went on to found the modern incarnation of the guild, reviving its traditions and recruiting members from the daring Flying Flapjack Fleet. Together, they safeguard the secrets of their world's most cherished food.


Family Ties

Current Status
Founder and leader of the Whipped Cream Whisperers' Guild
Current Location
Skymoor, Elemental Plane of Air
Current Residence
Cloudhaven Citadel
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden brown
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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