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Pranksgiving Day

An annual celebration where Halflings compete in friendly prank contests, trying to outdo each other with clever and harmless tricks. The day ends with a grand feast and a bonfire.  The heart of the festivities takes place in the Laughing Meadows, a picturesque and enchanting region known for its rolling hills, vibrant flowers, and giggling brooks. The meadows are transformed into a colorful carnival, bustling with laughter and merriment.   Pranksgiving Day in the Laughing Meadows is a testament to the Halfling’s love for humor, creativity, and community. It is a day where the entire region comes together to celebrate the magic of laughter and the joy of playful mischief, making it one of the most beloved holidays in Zanyland.


  • The day kicks off with the Prank Parade, a vibrant procession where Halflings and other residents don their most outrageous costumes and showcase their best pranks. Floats decorated with whimsical themes, such as giant whoopee cushions and dancing rubber chickens, move through the meadows, accompanied by lively music and confetti.
  • The highlight of Pranksgiving Day is the Great Prank-Off, a friendly competition where participants showcase their most inventive and hilarious pranks. Judges, including notable Halfling pranksters and visiting Fey, score the pranks based on creativity, execution, and the laughter they generate. The winner is crowned the Grand Trickster of the Meadows.
  • The Giggle Games are a series of fun and quirky competitions that include events like the Banana Peel Obstacle Course, the Pie-Throwing Contest, and the Laughter Relay Race. Participants of all ages join in, spreading joy and camaraderie as they compete for silly trophies and prizes.
  • Stages set up throughout the Laughing Meadows host comedy performances by renowned jesters, stand-up comedians, and theatrical troupes. These shows range from slapstick comedy and improv to musical parodies, keeping the audience in stitches all day long.
  • As the sun sets, the festivities culminate in the Pranksgiving Feast, a grand outdoor banquet featuring a delightful array of whimsical dishes and treats. From jiggling jelly castles to candy-coated fruits and laughter-inducing beverages, the feast is a culinary celebration of humor and creativity.

Components and tools

  • The Trickster’s Market is a bustling bazaar filled with stalls selling prank supplies, joke books, and magical trinkets. Visitors can purchase everything from exploding pies and squirting flowers to enchanted prank gadgets that play delightful tricks on unsuspecting targets.
  • Throughout the day, laughter workshops are held by seasoned pranksters and jesters, teaching attendees the art of crafting perfect pranks, comedic timing, and the history of humor in Zanyland. These workshops are both educational and entertaining, filled with interactive activities and live demonstrations.


Mischief Makers, a group of talented Halfling pranksters, roam the festival grounds performing impromptu pranks and magic tricks. Their antics add an extra layer of spontaneity and fun to the day, ensuring that laughter is never in short supply.  Colorful balloons filled with giggles are handed out to festival-goers. When popped, these balloons release a burst of laughter, adding to the joyous atmosphere and creating spontaneous moments of delight.  The Laughter Fountain, a magical fountain at the center of the Laughing Meadows, bubbles with enchanted water that emits joyful giggles when touched. Visitors gather around it, sharing jokes and stories, and basking in the infectious laughter that fills the air.
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