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Puck Fizzlebell

A master prankster who has created some of the most elaborate and legendary pranks in Giggle-Goblin history. Puck is often found planning his next great caper with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.   Puck Fizzlebell is a sprightly Giggle-Goblin, standing at a mere three feet tall with a frame as slender as a reed. His skin is a vibrant shade of lime green, stretched tightly over his bones and etched with a web of fine, glowing purple veins that pulse with mischief. His eyes are two pools of liquid amber, always shimmering with excitement and cunning. A wild mop of electric-blue hair sprouts from his head, sticking out in every direction as if perpetually surprised. His pointed ears, which are tipped with tiny, jingling bells, are as long as his arms and can be manipulated to express his emotions, often bobbing in glee or flicking in annoyance. Puck's nose is a tiny button that wiggles when he laughs, which is quite often, and his mouth stretches wide to reveal a set of sharp, gleaming teeth that could disarm the most stoic of foes with a cheeky grin. His fingers and toes are elongated and nimble, perfect for picking locks, weaving intricate knots, and flicking the tails of unsuspecting creatures.   Puck is a creature of boundless energy and infectious laughter. His curiosity is as vast as the universe itself, and he finds joy in the smallest, most peculiar details of life. His pranks are not just for the sake of laughter, but also to spread joy and remind the often-too-serious inhabitants of the world that life is full of wonder and surprise. He is clever beyond his size, with a mind that races faster than the wind, always thinking three steps ahead. His heart is pure, though, and his intentions are never malicious. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and will go to great lengths to protect them. Puck has a childlike wonder that is both charming and disarming, making it easy for people to underestimate his cunning. He speaks in a high-pitched giggle that can be both endearing and maddening, depending on the situation. His clothes are a patchwork of bright fabrics and shiny baubles, each piece a trophy from a past prank or a tool for an upcoming one. He carries a bag of tricks slung over his shoulder, the contents of which are as mysterious as the depths of his imagination.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Puck hails from the Whimsywood, a hidden forest within the realm of Gobblewood, where Giggle-Goblins have honed the art of pranking and trickery for millennia. His family line is renowned for their ingenious pranks, with ancestors like Great-Grandfather Snickerdoodle Fizzlebell, who once turned an entire mountain range into a giant whoopee cushion, and Grandmother Giggleweed Fizzlebell, who could make the sternest of trolls split their sides with laughter. Puck's apprenticeship began at a young age, learning from the masters of his tribe the subtle nuances of the perfect prank. His first grand achievement was at the age of fifty (young by Giggle-Goblin standards), when he transformed the village well into a fountain of bubblegum, trapping the grumpy village blacksmith in a bubble for hours. His reputation grew with each new escapade, and soon the whispers of his exploits reached beyond the confines of the forest. Now, Puck travels the lands, seeking new audiences for his jests and collecting rare ingredients for his trickery. His pranks are never cruel, always leaving his targets with a newfound appreciation for the absurd and a good story to tell.


Family Ties

Current Status
Traveling prankster
Current Residence
Electric blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lime green
Slender build


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