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Queen Buttercup

Queen Lila Buttercap (a.k.a. Queen of Sweets)

Lila Buttercup is a charming and diminutive creature with the grace of a gazelle and the sparkle of a sugarplum. Standing at a mere 3 feet tall, she has the typical halfling features of pointed ears, a slightly upturned nose, and a mischievous twinkle in her deep brown eyes. Her skin is a warm, honeyed hue, and her hair is a cascade of golden curls that seem to shimmer in the light, reminiscent of spun sugar. She often ties it back with a ribbon made of licorice. Her smile is radiant, revealing a set of teeth as pearly and straight as freshly laid confectionery. Her attire is as whimsical as her surroundings, consisting of a gown made from the softest gumdrops sewn together with threads of spun sugar, the skirt fluttering around her like a rainbow of sweetness. She wears a crown of delicate candied roses that never seem to wilt, resting upon her head as if it were a natural extension of her beauty.   Lila is a delightful blend of youthful exuberance and regal poise. She possesses an infectious laugh that can make even the most stoic of souls crack a smile. Her heart is as sweet as the treats she crafts, filled with kindness and generosity. She is curious and adventurous, often slipping away from her duties to explore the whimsical corners of her kingdom, discovering new flavors and friends along the way. Despite her sweet nature, she is not one to be underestimated. Her mind is as sharp as a candy cane and as strategic as a game of hopscotch. Lila is a fair ruler who listens to her subjects' needs and desires, often solving their problems with a pinch of ingenuity and a sprinkle of magic. Her love for her kingdom is matched only by her love for sweets, and she is known to occasionally indulge in a secret midnight snack from the Royal Candy Stash.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lila Buttercup has reigned over the Laughing Meadows for over 100 years, her reign marked by a perpetual springtime filled with laughter and confectionery delight. The Candy Castle, her grand domain, rises from the heart of the meadow like a giant wedding cake, with towers made of candy canes and walls of chocolate bricks. Born into the Buttercup lineage, known for their enchanting touch with sweets, Lila's ancestors discovered the meadow's magical properties and cultivated it into a paradise where everything grows in sugary abundance. As the Queen of Sweets, she is both a skilled baker and a wise ruler, using her natural charm and her treasure trove of sweet concoctions to maintain peace and harmony among her subjects—a blend of enchanted animals, sugar-spun fairies, and sentient desserts. Her reign is a testament to the balance between indulgence and restraint, as she ensures that the magic of the meadow is neither exploited nor forgotten. Her days are spent in the castle's grand kitchen, creating new delights to share with her kingdom and hosting grand feasts that bring joy to all who attend.
Current Status
Queen of Sweets of the Laughing Meadows
Current Location
150 (appears to be in her late 20s)
Candy Castle, Laughing Meadows
Current Residence
Candy Castle, Laughing Meadows
Golden curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honeyed hue
Hafling Sweetness Pantheon


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