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Capitol of the main nation of Hewhulao   Protected by a grand wall and a moat, this nation is the hub of the world. Many historical events took place here.   The Coalition for Armestice    the ending of The Ruby Rebellion    The final conflict of the Zarcanea War 1


The basics: The Wall of the Undying surrounds this city of 25,000 inhabitants and surrounded by a large moat. Once inside this larges city you will be blown away by its many cobblestone pathways and strong wooded manners and stores.   Come try our Culture District   and try all manner of foods and dinning, to the Textiles Center  if you are needing to find work. You can find all types of living that can met your economic needs. Hoity toity Haven can be the place for you or you can find other accommodations in our many taverns, inns, hotels, and apartments housing.   Our Colosseum,the Phoenix Obelisk, Bars, many gambling houses, and markets make for entertainment fun. Of course you can always visit a Dildopolis or Concubine Hovel    if you want so happy times


This city is prepared for all types of dangers both from those that would rebel and the winds Purmance moon. [King of Hewhuloa Four-Leaf Clover has prepared his city well.

Localized Phenomena

Trees that line up along the main road and circle the arena and market they change with the moons as a warning and also is quite beautiful.


Many people come when the tribunal takes place or for any other major political or financial event takes place.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Many Faces
Location under
Owning Organization

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