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Kalannar Hlaett-- DM FILE

Kalannar Hlaett

Kalannar Faertis of Dibanace is a descendant of Drow nobility who was orphaned at the age of 8 due to his parents being killed in a coup d’état. Adopted by long time family friend and trading company owner Imshar Hlaett he was raised on the road learning about various cultures, languages, and skills. He trained with the guards and mercenaries hired to protect the caravans or ships. Through the captain of the guards he was trained to become a paladin in worship of Hoar, the doombringer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalannar Faertis of Dibanace is a descendant of Drow nobility who was orphaned at the age of 8 due to his parents being killed in a coup d’état. Adopted by long time family friend and trading company owner Imshar Hlaett, he had to give up his true identity after imshar realized the new rulers were seeking to eliminate all family of the precious rulers supporters. Due to always needing to be on the move he was raised on the road learning about various cultures, languages, and skills. He was trained by the guards and mercenaries hired to protect the caravans or ships. Through his time in the caravan he and the captain of the guards, Bezen Farbough, became good friends and he took kalannar under his wing and trained him to become a paladin in worship of Hoar, the doombringer.


Was highly educated on various nations and their cultures. Being raised in the trading company Remmirath Bachor - Hlaett Trading Co. he learned to ride, haggle, sail, has a good handle on banking and ledgers.


After working his way up through his adopted fathers company he now owns two merchant ships and one train of caravans located on the continent Hewhuola. Though most of the money he makes he keeps stored for the day he needs it.

Mental Trauma

Being orphaned at a young age. He has never forgiven the family that now rules his home city.

Morality & Philosophy

Walk the line of the Doombringer’s teachings, seeking retribution, but do not fall into the trap of pursuing evil acts for evil’s sake, for that way is seductive and leads only to one’s downfall. Vengeance must be sought for all injustices, and all punishments must fit the crime.


Failing to assist or avenge a peer.   Failing to dominate those not worthy of respect.   Breaking your word to your peer or ally.   Refusing to punish the disobedient. Not pursuing vengeance when appropriate.   Failing to further your cause when opportunity presents.   Turning down a chance to gain power or wealth. Failing to corrupt an institution or being for material gain.   Betraying your superior without cause. Breaking your word to your superior.   Breaking a sacred oath.

Ambitious and arrogant, Kalannar has been taught to abide by a strict code of ethics. He hold not only himself but everyone else to those standards, and their punishments.

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Lawful Evil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light purple
Known Languages
Common, undercommon, elvish, has a 50% chance of understanding dwarvish.

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