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School of Great Provision

School in the Isles Main Focus is on Wizardry, Bard Spells, and Farming.   Mascot is a Dragon Blades   If you attend this school you will gain the Wave Spell you can create a wave of water that starts at your location and moves 30 feet per round away from you in a direction of your choosing. Creatures struck by the wave might be knocked down and pushed away. Make a caster level check against the CMD of each creature struck. If you succeed, the creature is knocked prone. If your check exceeds the CMD of the creature by 5 or more, it is carried with the wave during the wave’s movement this round. You receive a +5 bonus on this check if the creature shares its space with the wave at the start of your turn (when the wave moves). Creatures carried in this way can move out of the wave on their turn if they succeed on a Strength check (DC = 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your charisma modifier), but they cannot breathe while sharing space with the wave. The wave is up to 20 feet high and up to 5 feet long for each caster level you possess. Nonmagical fires hit by the wave are automatically extinguished. Magical fire effects are unaffected. You can use this ability once per day

Purpose / Function

To teach the local spell casters magic


It is a long time school rumor that the founder hid a dragon blade in the hills for a student to find but it has never been found. Only students know of this legend and all are sworn to secrecy about this legend. They know if it gets out all types of hunters would raid the school for clues.

Hazards & Traps

Many traps and hazards are placed everywhere to keep out non residents. Each school has an "acceptance hex" which allows them to move freely about and in the school. Those that do not will find themselves turned into golden statutes.   These statues have been placed around the edge of your school as not only decoration, but a warning.


Since opening they have added a large Bard division


It is a grand school underground in the Barron desert of the formally known, abandoned hills,


2nd Oldest school with a lot of famous wizards and witches coming from this place


none except former students and family
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
Golden Statue Force Field

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