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The Adherents of the All-Father

  • the religious and they have a massive out reach faction
  • they focus on the well being of the people. The domestic issues.
  • Usually performing tasks such as:
  • taking care of the poor and sick, allocating resources, providing logistical support after natural disasters
  • They work closely with all the factions except The Band of Ne'er-do-wells there is tension but respect between them and The Celestial Guild  due to religious ideologies but its in theology alone and does not escalate further than that. 
  • Head Quarters-- The Monistary of the All-Father in New Raden
  • Squad leaders
  • Horgron –Dwarf- Dwoth and Hazelscreamer –Centar



Always carry a necklace with mjolnir on it.


3 captains
  1. Wealks
  2. Polkis
  3. (spot vacant)


Adherents of the all father are called Ardents and to become a full ardent you must heal 100 people    In doing so you gain bonus action of auto 5 hp to anyone within 10 ft


Logistical Support

They make their own supplies at New Raden


The organizer and the leaders of their nations made a coalition and they maintain the resources sent to them by the different nation. They keep their own cleaning and keep up their own supplies as they view this as the honorable thing. Even their leader washes dishes and scrubs floors and he is applauded for this by this order.


Through the trials all though they do recruit when seeing great acts of healing and selfishness
Begining of the Colation
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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