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House Rules

A List of Growing House Rules

This list is continuing to be updated as we play.
  • Flanking is allowed. Your ally must be conscious, actively distracting/fighting your opponent, and acting on YOUR side. (Essentially: your ally must be actively helping you.)
  • Health Potions can be drunk as a Bonus Action. I find stopping, using an Action to drink a potion, and essentially wasting your turn, a bog for encounters so this ruling helps speed the action up.
  • A Bonus Action can be taken as an Action. If you wish to take an Action to do something that is traditionally a Bonus Action, that is allowed. You will still have a Bonus Action (BA) left this turn, but you have used up your Action (A). (Example: you want to Misty Step to a safer location, but also command your Spiritual Weapon to make an attack, which are both normally Bonus Actions. With this rule, you can use your A to Misty Step, and BA to command your Spiritual Weapon. Or vice versa.)
  • You can Intimidate with your Strength modifier instead of your Charisma in CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. Say you wanted to pressure a bandit into telling you the location of some loot by flexing your muscles, looming over him, and threatening him with bodily harm. Here, I would rule that you could use either your Charisma or Strength modifier in your Intimidation check, because you can exercise your sheer presence and stature, or by an effective argument aided by careful words. I try to keep Check modifiers appropriate for the situation.


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