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Session 2 - The Horror of the Coldfront Ward

Players did not scry this morning, did not find burned parchment or small key, did not talk to Varala after returning to CG HQ
First off, everyone gets 5200 xp.   When last we left our adventurers, they were continuing their quest to recruit the paladin of The Engulfing Flame, Bolton the Courageous, by curing his son of vampirism. Though the process was challenging, in the end, after a fight with the mutated Ekimara Peter transformed into, you have successfully cured him of vampirism.   It's early hours of the morning, sunlight starting to light up Arkwing's foggy streets. Bolton kneels on the cobblestone floor in front of his home, clutching his unconscious son in his lap. He gently places his hand on his shoulder, and his palm glows with divine energy before fading away. And Peter looks a bit more hardy than he did a few seconds ago.   Bolton's face gaunt but with a deep sense of relief. He looks up at you. Shivah and Teo with several injuries, Kaehi bandaged and getting up from a pool of blood.   "Thank you... you have proven yourselves to be strong fighters, and kept your word, which is the most important. And therefore, I will keep mine. Come by in the afternoon. I need to make sure Peter is settled in and alright....And also take a rest."

A New Ally

When Varala meets Bolton, she is a bit suspicious of him but knows that they might need his assistance. Therefore she might act hesitant around him, and his allegiance to the Engulfing Flame.   She is interested in what the players are planning on doing now. She will suggest going for the Coldfront ward next, as there are much less defenses obviously. If they decide to go there, she will also suggest they try to find the Diagram of the Guard Tower. It should be in the basement. (She is still guilty about her survival and abandonment of her friends. The trapdoor was pushed shut by assassins, trapping two of her roommates within the basement. Then, she and Rosa (her girlfriend) fought them off and ran to fetch the key, but Rosa was disintegrated by the Zombie Beholder. Varala bolted, luckily finding her way out of the Coldfront Massacre.)  

Navigating Coldfront

To traverse Coldfront, the players must make a survival check. On a successful DC12 Check, they will be able to navigate to their desired location within 30 mins. On a failed save, they run into a random encounter or take twice as long.  


  See dungeon/location here: Abandoned Common Guild Headquarters    

Varala Confronted

Varala looks at you with an expression of sort of resignation and stiffens her lip.   (If she's mad and accused of necromancy) "What would you like me to say? That we didn't become desperate after months of turmoil? That we didn't seek alternate methods of fighting? True morality can only be discussed impartially through books, not in times of war and survival."   (Discussing Rosa) "I.... Rosa.... ....... This was a gift from me. (she takes the dagger) She was my partner. But I suppose that doesn't matter much more. Thank you for returning this to me though." She clutches the dagger in white knuckles.



  • The guards are now actively looking for anyone that looks like the players, they can see Wanted Posters with Teo, Kaehi, and Shivah’s faces on it.
  • Sylvia is hunting them. She stalks the group like a predator, waiting for the best moment to capture them. She wants to capture them alive. Requires some kind of large event for her to key into their location. And if she is following them, if the players score higher than DC20 Perception, they can spot her.
  • The Engulfing Flame is stirred up even more! They begin to get more forceful, speaking about a ward and destroying it. They also might be convinced to help the players more, especially if Bolton is on their side.
  • The players meet Saskia, and she is working on a way they can storm the capitol.

Scrying on People



You vision is pulled away from your current location and is ripped away to the Northcott Castle. You see the inside of a rather well decorated room, with ruby red curtains and extravagantly carved wooden tables and dressers. Perched on one of the plush couches is Marcus, spinning a dagger between his fingers. To his opposite side, is Hescar, who is sharpening a large axe while keeping his head tilted to watch Marcus as he speaks.   "Sylvia's been more worked up than usual. Her attentions have become almost unbearable. Those little adventurers our more trouble than they're worth. Her plans have only brought more turmoil to Faen. Surely she should have found them by now." (Hescar grumbles an agreement)   "And you saw Faen today, she's irate! Practically spitting fire at another one of her wards destroyed, and complaining at using another shard. I'm sure she'll start pushing for an acceleration of plans, though Crane was unsuccessful.   Hmm... I'm sure she'll have more words for us when she returns. Urgh, everyday I regret accepting her aid."   He strides over to a table covered in maps and diagrams.
  He is looking into the Olomondian capital of Holtonzan


Your vision is pulled away from your current location before dashing over to The Syndicate's Headquarters.   A large wooden building has racks of weapons and assorted tools stored against the walls. The floor of the building has been cleared out to provide a fighting/training arena. Sylvia, dressed in dark leathers and wearing a deep red cloak stands in the center of a dozen members. She seems to be addressing them, giving them some sort of commands.   "-You two, take Greygate. Ness, Hazin, and Vago will be taking Grand Grounds. Mandren and Balvodd, Sleekfront. You three will take the Pondhelm. Porver and Tip in Lakeside. The rest with me. Return in two hours and we'll reconvene. Remember, long silver haired drow with a scimitar, and a short dark-haired red tiefling. Both tall, and traveling with a human with cropped hair. Ideally alive, but I'm not too picky. Any questions?"   Most of the humanoids shake their heads then dart off. Two more members hang out by Sylvia.


    Red light, she's asleep in a cell


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