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History of Zaria

The world of Zaria is ancient and much of its land lays unexplored. The history of The Continent is split into three distinct eras, Principium, Misce, and Revma. The Principum Era covers the creation of Zaria, the beginnings of all races on the Continent (mostly along coasts), and the beginnings of complex societies. Most notably, it was marked by the creation of the first magical school, Meletti. This era was a period of mixing, discovery, and expansion, and invention. The Misce Era is marked by the beginning of The Endless War. This was a 50 year period of relentless war and chaos, as various factions clawed for power and control of The Continent. The Revma Era begins with The Split of Nations, The Split of Nations marks the date when the most powerful warlords gathered and made a truce, splitting the Continent into different countries. This is the current period of the campaign.

The Principum Era

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The Principum Era covers the creation of Zaria, the beginnings of all races on the Continent (mostly along coasts), and the beginnings of complex societies. Most notably, it was marked by the creation of the first magical school, Meletti. This era was a period of mixing, discovery, and expansion, and invention.

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    The Founding of Arkwing

    The City of Arkwing was first created.

The Misce Era

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The Misce Era is marked by the beginning of The Endless War. This was a 50 year period of relentless war and chaos, as various factions clawed for power and control of The Continent.

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    The Sacking of Meletti
    Era beginning/end

    Meletti (both the school and city) was sacked by the Whitefall Invaders. This event destroyed a significant amount of recorded rituals, temples, and magical knowledge. The Whitefall Invaders overtook the city, claiming it to be their new land, tossing the entire world into turmoil, as various forces saw that a small faction had the potential to overthrow entire cities. Factions all across The Continent assembled their forces, and clashed at each other, all clawing for the ultimate prize of conquering the world. This event kickstarted The Endless War and The Misce Era.

The Revma Era

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The Revma Era begins with The Split of Nations, The Split of Nations marks the date when the most powerful warlords gathered and made a truce, splitting the Continent into different countries. This is the current period of the campaign.

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    Life, Career

    This is where the campaign begins in Tharlonde.

    Additional timelines