
Basic Information


The Cragalonians are a humanoid species, with rocky skin that is typically dull in color. They have spiky protusions on their arms, legs, and shoulders, giving them a rugged and formidable appearance. Their eyes are small and black, and their noses and mouths are set in a straight line across their faces. They are generally tall and muscular. In terms of anatomy, the Cragalonians have a strong and durable skeletal structure that is made up of rock-like materials. Their muscles are also denser and more powerful than those of other species, allowing them to perform feats of strength and endurance that would be impossible for others. They also have a heightened sense of touch, thanks to their rocky skin, which allows them to detect vibrations and changes in temperature with great precision.   Overall, the Cragalonians are a formidable and imposing species, with a powerful and sturdy physique that is well-suited to their rugged environment.

Biological Traits

The Cragalonians are a hardy and adaptable species, with a lifespan of up to 100 years and an average life expectancy of around 70 years. They are typically around 6-8 feet tall and weigh between 300-400 pounds. Their long lifespan and ability to adapt to different environments is due to their rock-like biology, which allows them to withstand extreme temperatures and conditions.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gestation period for Cragalonian eggs is 6-8 months. Upon hatching, they will reach sexual maturity at 30-40 years old and will continue to grow and develop until they reach full adulthood. The eggs are laid by the Cragalonian Queen and are cared for by the rest of the colony until they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Cragalonians have a gestation period of 6-8 months. After hatching, they enter the larval stage, which lasts until around 3 years of age. After this is the child stage, which lasts from 3 to 10 years. Following this is the juvenile stage, which lasts until they reach adulthood at 30-40 years of age. During these stages, the Cragalonians go through various physical and mental developments.

Ecology and Habitats

The Cragalonians are able to adapt to a wide range of environments, including extreme cold and hot temperatures. This is due to their rocky composition, which provides natural insulation and protection from extreme weather conditions. They are also able to sense changes in temperature and vibrations, allowing them to anticipate and prepare for potential hazards in their environment. Overall, the Cragalonians are well-suited to survive in a variety of environments, making them a resilient and adaptable species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Cragalonians are likely to eat rocks as well as insects and other small organisms that they can find in their environment. They may also feed on plant matter and fungi if it is available to them. In addition to these food sources, the Cragalonians may also scavenge for dead animals or other organic matter to supplement their diet. Overall, the Cragalonians are adaptable eaters and will consume whatever is available to them in order to survive.

Biological Cycle

The Cragalonians do not have a specific hibernation period. However, they are able to slow down their metabolism in response to environmental changes such as extreme cold or food scarcity. This allows them to conserve energy and resources until conditions improve.


The Cragalonians are a highly industrious and organized species. They are known for their ability to work together in large groups to achieve their goals, and their society is structured like an ant colony with a strict hierarchy and division of labor. They are also highly adaptable and can thrive in a wide range of environments.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Cragalonians have a hierarchical social structure, with a queen at the top who is responsible for laying eggs and managing the colony. Beneath the queen are the workers, who are responsible for gathering food and building the colony's nest. There may also be soldiers within the colony who are responsible for protecting the nest and the queen. The Cragalonians are highly organized and work together cooperatively to ensure the success of the colony.



Uses, Products & Exploitation

N/A come back to later

Facial characteristics

Their faces are elongated and angular, with sharp cheekbones and a prominent brow. They have small, dark eyes set deep within their sockets, and a wide, flat nose. Their mouths are small and their teeth are sharp and pointed, adapted for tearing and crushing their rocky diet. They have no hair on their bodies, and their skin is rough and stony, ranging in color from dull gray to deep brown.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Cragalonians live in rocky, mountainous regions where they can easily access the resources they need to build their colonies. They can also be found near sources of food, such as insect populations or other small animals that live in these areas. They may also be found near water sources, as they need access to hydration. Overall, they would be distributed in a way that allows them to thrive and continue to build their colonies.

Average Intelligence

Based on their anatomy and behavior, I would say that the Cragalonians are likely to have an intelligence level of 5/10. They are a species that is highly adapted to their environment and are able to function well within their natural habitat, but they may not be as intelligent as other species when it comes to complex problem solving and abstract thinking. They are likely to have strong instincts and a clear hierarchy within their society, but they may not be as capable of adapting to new situations or environments as other species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In terms of anatomy and morphology, the Cragalonians are a humanoid species with rocky, spiky protusions on their skin. They are strong and sturdy, with a natural armor-like protection. They have keen senses, including enhanced strength and the ability to sense vibrations and changes in temperature. This allows them to navigate their environment and detect potential threats. They also have the ability to manipulate their rocky exterior to create sharp weapons and tools. Overall, the Cragalonians are a formidable and resilient species.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Anarac and the Cragalonians have a symbiotic relationship, with the Anarac providing their engineering expertise and technological advancements to help the Cragalonians gather and utilize resources more efficiently. In return, the Cragalonians provide the Anarac with access to the resources they need to continue their work and development. Both species benefit from this collaboration and have established a mutually beneficial partnership.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Cragalonians follow a naming tradition where each child is given a name based on their caste within the society. For example, a Cragalonian in the worker caste may be given a name like "Rockfeller" or "Miner", while a Cragalonian in the warrior caste may be given a name like "Cragsteel" or "Rockblade". Last names are generally a combination of the parents' names, with the father's name coming first. For example, a child named "Rockfeller" with parents named "Rockwell" and "Minera" would have the last name "RockwellMinera".

Major Organizations

(details later)   The Order of the Ebon Blade The Cragalonian Council The Collective of Cragalonian Trade The Cragalonian Defense Force The Cragalonian Engineering Guild

Beauty Ideals

Cragalonians value strength and durability in potential mates. Physical prowess and the ability to withstand extreme environments are considered attractive qualities. In terms of appearance, dark colors and markings are typically seen as more desirable.

Gender Ideals

It is likely that the Cragalonians view gender similarly to how humans do, with a cultural understanding of the differences between male and female and societal expectations and roles associated with each gender.

Courtship Ideals

The average Cragalonian courtship involves a lot of physical displays of strength and endurance, as well as intricate displays of craftsmanship. Cragalonians place a high value on dedication and hard work, so showing off one's skills in these areas is seen as attractive. It is also common for potential mates to engage in competitions and challenges to prove their worthiness.

Relationship Ideals

The Cragalonian species is likely to have a unique approach to relationships and courtship due to their collective nature and hierarchical social structure. They may prioritize their roles within the community and their ability to contribute to the group over personal connections and emotions. In terms of courtship, they may engage in ritualized behaviors to determine compatibility and suitability as mates, such as vocalizations, physical displays of strength and agility, and other forms of communication specific to their species. Ultimately, the focus of their relationships is likely to be on their shared goals and responsibilities within the community.

Average Technological Level

Cragalonians are known for their strength and ability to tunnel through mountains, allowing them to create efficient trade routes and control trade in mountainous regions. They have developed large, powerful drills and saws to aid in their tunneling and construction, and have also domesticated massive oxen-like creatures to help them pull sleds and transport goods. In addition, they have focused on building and combat in order to protect their investments and continue expanding their civilization. These technological advances have allowed the Cragalonians to thrive in their mountainous environment and maintain a strong presence in the region.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Cragalonians are known for their strong and hardy bodies, which allow them to survive in a variety of environments. This has allowed them to spread out across many different areas, leading to the development of a wide range of dialects and even different languages. As a result, communication between different Cragalonian communities can be difficult, and often requires the use of interpreters or other forms of translation.

Common Etiquette Rules

Cragalonian etiquette is heavily focused on physical displays of strength and hierarchy. It is important for individuals to show their dominance and ability to protect the group, as well as to demonstrate respect for their superiors. Physical contact is often used to assert dominance or to show respect, such as patting or striking another individual on the shoulder or back. Aggression is seen as a natural and necessary part of life, but it is important to control and channel it towards productive ends. In general, Cragalonians value strength, hierarchy, and the ability to contribute to the group above all else in social interactions.

Common Dress Code

Cragalonians dress in furs and other rugged materials to protect against the elements and to showcase their strength and durability. They may also use minimal clothing to better utilize their physical abilities and to demonstrate their hardiness. Their clothing is likely to be functional and practical, rather than fashionable or decorative.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Craglonian culture is heavily focused on their hierarchical social structure and the importance of each individual's role in contributing to the success of the community. The higher a Craglonian is in the hierarchy, the more respect and authority they have within the community. Those in leadership roles, such as the queen and her advisors, are likely to be highly respected and their decisions are likely to be followed without question. Physical strength and prowess are also highly valued within Craglonian culture, as they are necessary for both hunting and protecting the community. In terms of work, those who are skilled in combat and construction are likely to be held in high regard, while more menial tasks such as cleaning and gathering food are likely to be delegated to lower members of the hierarchy.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Cragalonians are known for their large and elaborate ceremonies, often involving fire and feasting. These events typically serve as a way to celebrate the completion of a major project or achievement within their society. The Queen, as the leader of the Cragalonians, is often present at these ceremonies to show her support and admiration for the work of her people. The festivities often include the slaughter and roasting of large animals, as well as the consumption of significant quantities of food and drink. These ceremonies serve as a way for the Cragalonians to come together as a community and to celebrate their successes.

Common Taboos

Cragalonians value tradition and respect for the hierarchy of their society. Breaking from the traditional roles and occupations of one's parents would be considered taboo and disrespectful to the community. Additionally, failing to contribute to the success of the group and to fulfill one's duties within the hierarchy may also be considered taboo. Other behaviors that may be considered taboo by the Cragalonians include disrespecting their leaders and elders, and engaging in activities that could harm the community or its members. Acts of violence against other members of the community or against the Queen would be considered taboo, as would actions that undermine the authority of the hierarchy or the stability of the group.

Historical Figures

(details later)   A powerful warrior who was instrumental in unifying the Cragalonian clans and establishing their dominance over other species in their region. A skilled craftsman or engineer who developed revolutionary new technologies and techniques that greatly advanced the Cragalonian civilization. A visionary leader who set forth a bold new vision for the future of the Cragalonians and guided their society through a period of rapid change and growth. A wise elder who was renowned for their knowledge and understanding of the ancient traditions and customs of the Cragalonians, and who was consulted by the leaders of the tribe on important matters. A fierce warrior who fought bravely in many battles and was instrumental in defending the Cragalonian territories against external threats.

Common Myths and Legends

One common Cragalonian myth is the tale of the Great Digger. It is said that in ancient times, a massive Cragalonian with the strength of a thousand warriors dug deep into the earth, creating the first tunnels and underground cities for his people. This Great Digger is revered as a hero and a founding father of the Cragalonian civilization.   Another legend tells of the Great Protector, a fierce warrior who defended the Cragalonian people from a monstrous enemy. The Great Protector is said to have fought with the strength of a hundred men, and single-handedly defeated the enemy, securing the safety of his people.   These myths and legends are often passed down through the generations, and serve as important cultural touchstones for the Cragalonians. They are a reminder of their history and heritage, and inspire the Cragalonians to live up to the greatness of their ancestors.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The relationships between the Cragalonians and other species are likely to vary greatly depending on the specific context and history of interactions between the two groups. In some cases, the Cragalonians may have strong alliances with other species, while in others they may have a more contentious relationship. The key factor in determining the nature of the relationship is likely to be the relative power and influence of the two groups, as well as their shared goals and interests.

Art created by Dalle-2
100 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
6-8 feet
Average Weight
300-400 lbs
Average Physique
The average Cragalonian has a rocky, spiky exoskeleton that protects their internal organs. They are generally muscular and strong, with long, sturdy limbs. They have a dull, earthy coloration, with dark brown and grey tones. Some individuals may have faint markings or patterns on their exoskeleton. They have large, powerful jaws and sharp teeth, adapted for crushing and grinding hard materials such as rocks and insects.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Cragalonians come in a variety of dull colors, such as grays, browns, and greens. They have spiky protrusions on their body, which can be a different color than the rest of their body. Some Cragalonians also have markings on their body, such as stripes or spots. These markings can be the same color as their body or a different color.

Cover image: by MidJourney


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