Infernal Magic

Infernal magic is a type of magic that is associated with darkness, evil, and unholy forces. It is often associated with death, destruction, and malevolence. Those who possess the ability to wield infernal magic are often feared and shunned by society, as they are believed to be capable of summoning horrifying and evil entities, causing destruction and chaos, and manipulating the emotions and actions of others.   The use of infernal magic is often associated with dark and foreboding biomes, such as swamps, forests, and caves, where malevolent energies are believed to be concentrated, additionally infernal magic is often seen as a dangerous and risky endeavor, as those who wield it are believed to be at risk of being consumed by the darkness and malevolent forces they summon.


There are many ways that Infernal magic manifests in the world. Some examples follow:
  • A sense of the air around you becoming thick and heavy.
  • A feeling of weightlessness or being pulled towards the ground.
  • Summoning spells to call forth horrifying entities.
  • The smell of sulphur or burning embers.
  • Curse spells to bring harm or misfortune to others.
  • A feeling of being drained of energy.


Infernal magic is most prevalent in biomes with an abundance of darkness, shadows, and negative energy. Some examples below:

  Cursed forests: These forests are filled with dark and twisted trees, and the air is thick with malevolent energy.
Desolate wastelands: These barren and lifeless landscapes are the perfect breeding ground for infernal magic, as the absence of life and light makes it easier for darkness to take hold.
Haunted ruins: The spirits of the dead are said to linger in these crumbling ruins, and infernal magic is often used to communicate with or summon them.
Swamps and marshes: The dark and murky conditions of these biomes often attract infernal energies.
Graveyards and burial grounds: The presence of death and the afterlife can sometimes attract infernal magic.
Forests and wooded areas: While these biomes are often associated with nature and life, the darkness and shadow of the forest can also attract infernal magic.

Created by MidJourney

Metaphysical, Demonic

Cover image: by MidJourney


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