
Basic Information


The Skordic is a small, agile arthropod with a smooth exoskeleton and distinctive markings, stripes, and patterns that vary by individual. It has four long legs and six smaller arms, which give it a bulky abdomen but a slender overall appearance. Its head is triangular in shape and has large eyes and a large mouth, as well as what look like feathers (or other appendages) coming off its face.   The Skordic is adapted to environments with low light levels, as it has darkvision and can move its head and neck with great flexibility. It is a trickster, always looking for new experiences and challenges, and is able to move quickly and easily through a variety of terrain thanks to its smooth exoskeleton and ability to walk on all of its legs. Its markings and patterns could serve a variety of purposes, such as helping it blend in with its environment or communicate with others of its kind.

Genetics and Reproduction

Skordics reproduce in a unique way. Female Skordics lay eggs in the male's nest, which are then fertilized by the male. The male Skordic takes on a nurturing role, tending to the eggs and providing them with the necessary warmth and moisture to hatch.   The nests of the Skordics give off magical energy, which attracts females and helps them locate suitable mates. Males with larger nests or more impressive collections of niknaks are more attractive to females. The male Skordic fertilizes the eggs after they are laid, using some form of reproductive organ to transfer genetic material. If the eggs are not fertilized, the male may eat them as a nutritious snack.   This reproductive system impacts the overall population dynamics of the Skordic species, with the balance between fertilized and unfertilized eggs potentially influencing reproductive success. It also plays a role in the Skordic's relationships with other species, as they use their collections of imbued objects to manipulate and control others.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Skordic undergoes two distinct developmental stages as it grows and matures: the larval stage and the pupal stage. During the larval stage, which lasts for two years, Skordics are small and grub-like, with a long body and many legs. They are more playful and mischievous than adult Skordics, preferring to play rudimentary tricks on unsuspecting creatures rather than using their wit and guile to control and beguile. Despite their immature demeanor, they are able to defend themselves against predators and obtain the resources they need to thrive. After the larval stage, Skordics enter a pupal stage, during which they undergo a process of metamorphosis. This involves the formation of a pupal case or cocoon, in which the Skordic's body undergoes significant changes. The pupal stage is a time of transformation, as the Skordic transforms from a larval form into an adult form. After the pupal stage, the Skordic emerges as a fully mature adult, ready to take on its role in the ecosystem and reproduce.

Ecology and Habitats

The Skordic is a small, agile arthropod that is well-suited to living in well-maintained homes and other environments with plenty of hiding places. It has a strong sense of smell and hearing, which allows it to locate food and other resources, and it is a trickster at heart, using its wit and guile to manipulate and control other creatures. Skordics are scavengers, eating whatever they can find or trick other creatures into providing. They are more effective against less intelligent species, and they are generally parasitic in their interactions with other species. They are most common in regions where they are allowed to cohabitate, but over time they can become a problem if their populations are not dealt with seriously.   In terms of population dynamics, it's unclear how many Skordics there are or how their numbers change over time. However, they are thought to be more or less common in certain parts of their range, with various factors influencing their population size and distribution. Overall, the Skordic plays a unique role in the ecosystem, using its trickster abilities and scavenging habits to thrive and survive.


The Skordic is a small, agile arthropod with a personality that varies between playful and mischievous and serious and cunning. Some individuals are more effective at survival than others, and this can influence their behavior and their relationships with other species. Skordics are intelligent creatures that are capable of crafting and creating, and they often use these abilities to manipulate other species. They can be found living in both isolated and grouped situations, and they are able to adapt to these different environments and interact with other species in various ways. Skordics have exaggerated emotions and can be easily swayed by small wins or losses. They can take a loss very hard and let a small win go to their heads. This can be a weakness, but they also have strategies for managing their emotions and coping with difficult situations. The behavior and psychology of the Skordic plays a unique role in the ecosystem and shapes its interactions with other species.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It has large eyes and a flexible neck, which allow it to see clearly in low light environments. In fact, it has developed a form of darkvision that allows it to navigate through even the darkest of caves and tunnels.   In addition to its excellent vision, the Skordic also has an acute sense of smell and hearing. It uses these senses to track down small, shiny objects, which it collects and hoards as a way of bonding with other creatures. It is a trickster at heart, always looking for new experiences and challenges, and it uses its sensory abilities to stay one step ahead of its prey. It uses its collection of niknaks and other trinkets as a way of communicating and establishing trust with its companions. Together, they use their trickster powers to control their surroundings and outsmart their foes.

Art created by Dalle-2
Scientific Name
Average Height
6 inches - 1 foot
Average Weight
8-12 ounces
Average Length
4-6 inches

Cover image: by MidJourney


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