Water Magic

Water magic is a powerful and fluid force that is often associated with the ocean and other bodies of water. It is a versatile and adaptable magic that can be used for a variety of purposes, from healing and purification to destruction and manipulation. Water magic users can control the movement and properties of water, as well as create or manipulate water from thin air. They can also use water magic to enhance their own physical abilities, such as increased speed and agility in the water.    Water magic is often associated with emotions and is often used to channel and manipulate emotions, both positive and negative. It is also closely connected to the element of ice, and water magic users may have the ability to freeze or melt water at will. Water magic is most commonly found in biomes that have a strong connection to water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, but it can also be found in areas with a high humidity or heavy rainfall.


There are many ways that water magic manifests in the world. Some examples follow:  
  • Controlling the movement of water, such as redirecting a river's flow or causing a whirlpool to form in the ocean.
  • Using water as a weapon, such as creating a torrent of water to knock over an opponent or using water to extinguish a fire.
  • Enhancing the properties of water, such as making it more pure or adding healing properties to it.
  • Communicating with or controlling aquatic creatures, such as dolphins or whales.
  • Absorbing or deflecting water, such as using water magic to protect oneself from getting wet in a rainstorm or drying off after being in the water.
  • The ability to control the temperature and pressure of water, or to create and control water-based constructs or weapons.


Water magic is most prevalent in biomes with an abundance of water or a wet climate. Some examples below:  
  • Coastal regions: Water magic would be prevalent in coastal regions due to the abundance of water in these areas.
  • Wetlands: Water magic would be prevalent in wetlands due to the high water content and the presence of water-based ecosystems.
  • Rivers and streams: Water magic would be prevalent in rivers and streams due to the constant flow of water in these areas.
  • Lakes and reservoirs: Water magic would be prevalent in lakes and reservoirs due to the large bodies of standing water in these areas.
  • Oceans: Water magic would be prevalent in oceans due to the vast amount of water present in these areas.

Art created by MidJourney

Metaphysical, Elemental

Cover image: by MidJourney


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