
In the heart of the vast desert, where the relentless sun reigns supreme and the sands stretch beyond the horizon, there lies a sanctuary known only to a fortunate few—the Mirage Oasis, or Miraj’alay. This verdant haven, concealed by the very forces of nature that seem intent on denying its existence, is protected by a noble and enigmatic group known as the Alay’ri.



The attire of the Alay’ri blends seamlessly with the desert environment—cloaks the color of sand and sun, designed to shield them from the unyielding heat and to camouflage them against unwanted eyes. Their garments are adorned with symbols that tell the story of their people and their eternal vigil over Miraj’alay.


Crafted from the natural bounty of Miraj’alay, the weapons of the Alay’ri are as unique as their wielders. Wooden spears, carved from the hardy branches of the oasis’s palms, serve as versatile tools for both hunting and defense. Thatch shields, woven from the robust fronds of palm leaves, offer protection against the strikes of adversaries. Stone blades and bone daggers, fashioned from the materials gifted by the oasis, are honed to deadly precision. Sling staffs and bows, made from flexible wood and sinew, allow the Alay’ri to defend their charge from a distance.


The society of the Alay’ri is structured around the needs of the oasis. Scouts keep watch for signs of travelers and threats. Warriors train in the art of combat, ready to defend their home against any incursion. Healers use the oasis’s herbs and waters to tend to the sick and injured. Elders govern with wisdom and foresight, ensuring that the traditions of the Alay’ri are upheld and that the oasis thrives.


The Alay’ri’s dedication to their role as protectors is unwavering. They patrol the boundaries of the oasis with a vigilance born of necessity, for the desert is unforgiving, and there are always those who would seek to claim Miraj’alay for themselves. The enchantments that shroud the oasis are maintained by the Alay’ri’s mages, who weave spells of concealment and protection that have kept the sanctuary hidden for generations.



The rituals of the Alay’ri are as integral to their culture as the air they breathe. Each morning, as the first light of dawn breaks over the dunes, the Alay’ri greet the day with offerings of gratitude to the oasis. They sing songs of praise and thanks, their voices rising in harmony with the rustling of the palms.


Their village, once a peaceful settlement on the edge of the desert, had been caught between the ambitions of warring factions. The conflict left nothing but ashes and sorrow in its wake, forcing the survivors to flee into the vast dunes. The group, comprised of men, women, and children, journeyed across the scorching sands, each day bringing them closer to despair. Food and water ran scarce, and the relentless sun showed no mercy. Many fell, their strength waning, their spirits crushed by the weight of their plight.   As death’s shadow loomed over the last of the wanderers, a miracle unfolded. On the horizon appeared the vision of an oasis, a sight so surreal that they believed it to be a mirage, a cruel trick of their delirium. But as they pressed on, driven by the sliver of hope that the vision might be real, the mirage did not fade. Instead, it grew clearer, more tangible, until they found themselves standing on the banks of a true oasis. The waters were cool and sweet, the shade of the palms like a balm to their scorched skin.   The oasis, which they would come to call Miraj’alay, was more than just a refuge; it was a sanctuary that seemed to embrace them, to heal not just their bodies but their souls. They drank from its waters and felt a strength they had not known in years, a strength that seemed to flow from the very heart of the oasis. In gratitude and reverence, the survivors vowed to protect this sacred place that had granted them salvation. They became the Alay’ri, the guardians of Miraj’alay. They learned the secrets of the desert, the ways of the water, and the ancient magic that shrouded their new home from the outside world.   Over time, the Alay’ri transformed from a band of refugees into a formidable unit dedicated to the defense of the oasis. They established traditions, codes, and rituals that would ensure the safety and secrecy of Miraj’alay for generations to come.


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Aug 17, 2024 05:13 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how their position as guards over this oasis is rooted so deeply in their culture.