Arcanum Vitae Deficit

Arcanum Vitae Deficit (AVD) is a rare and enigmatic disease\, known to afflict even the most adept practitioners of the arcane arts. This malady is as feared as it is misunderstood, casting a shadow over the magical community and challenging the very foundations of the understanding of magic and life force.


AVD is characterized by a gradual depletion of the mage’s mana reserves, the vital essence that fuels their spellcasting abilities. Unlike common ailments that may afflict the body, AVD targets the spirit, severing the connection between the mage and the source of their power. The onset of the disease is insidious, often mistaken for simple fatigue or a temporary blockage of magical flow.   The initial symptoms of AVD are subtle, manifesting as a lingering tiredness after casting spells and a noticeable delay in the replenishment of magical energy. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced. Mages afflicted with AVD begin to experience a physical toll with each spell they cast, their life force seemingly siphoned away with the expenditure of mana.   In the terminal stages, AVD leads to a complete collapse of the mage’s magical faculties. The constant drain of life force results in rapid aging, mental degradation, and ultimately, a withering of the body and spirit. The final days of an AVD sufferer are marked by a descent into madness, as their connection to the arcane unravels and their essence fades into oblivion.


To date, no cure for AVD has been discovered. The treatments that exist are palliative at best, designed to ease the suffering of those afflicted and to extend their functional period as mages. These treatments include mana siphoning from healthy donors, restorative rituals that temporarily bolster the mage’s vitality, and the creation of sanctuaries devoid of ambient magical energy, where the progression of AVD can be slowed.   The only known method to halt the advance of AVD is for the mage to take and practice an Oath of Non-Magic. This drastic measure involves a self-made contract in which the mage renounces their connection to the arcane and ceases all use of the magical arts. While this prevents the further progression of AVD, it also strips the mage of their ability to access and wield magic, a fate many mages consider worse than death.

Cultural Reception

The existence of AVD has instilled a culture of caution within the magical community. It serves as a stark reminder of the limits of power and the vulnerabilities that even the most powerful mages face. The disease has also fostered a sense of unity and support among mages, as they come together to care for their afflicted peers and to search for answers.


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