Aria Swift-paw

Aria is a tabaxi with a quick wit and a knack for getting into trouble. Despite her mischievous nature, Aria possesses a keen intellect and a natural talent for Illusion magic, using her skills to deceive and outmaneuver her opponents. Though she initially enrolled at the academy to learn more about magic items and artifacts, Aria quickly discovered a passion for the arcane arts, honing her skills in the school of Illusion while continuing to indulge in her love of exploration and adventure.     Aria is a complex blend of mischief and intellect. Her playful banter and penchant for light-hearted pranks make her a beloved figure among her peers, but beneath this jovial exterior lies a sharp mind and a keen sense of focus. When faced with a challenge, especially one involving ancient texts or magical mysteries, Aria’s demeanour shifts to one of intense concentration. She is resourceful and quick-thinking, always ready to adapt to new situations and outmaneuver her opponents. She also has a healthy degree of sportsmanship, not afraid to lose to a challenge, and always eager to prove herself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aria’s fur is a sleek blend of orange, silver and black stripes, reminiscent of a tiger. Her eyes are a striking topaz yellow, and she moves with the grace and silence of a practised prowler. She favours light leather armour adorned with symbols of her Illusionist school, and her belt is always equipped with various pouches containing magical trinkets and tools for thievery.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aria hails from the bustling port city of Whiskyhaven, a vibrant hub of trade and commerce. Her family, the esteemed Swift-paw family, are wealthy naval merchants who own numerous distilleries in the city. The Swift-paws are known for their fine spirits, which are sought after across Zæthéria. Growing up amidst the clinking of bottles and the scent of aged whiskey, Aria was expected to follow in the family business. However, her curiosity and agility set her apart from a young age.   Aria’s family life was marked by both privilege and tension. Her older brother, Thorne, was her closest companion and confidant. Together, they explored every nook and cranny of Whiskyhaven, their adventures fueled by a shared love of discovery. However, Thorne’s rebellious spirit eventually led him down a darker path. Disillusioned with the constraints of their family’s expectations, he ran away to become a pirate, leaving Aria to navigate the complexities of their family’s legacy on her own.   Aria’s journey at the Academy of Arcane Arts began with a desire to learn more about magic items and artifacts. However, she quickly discovered a passion for the arcane arts, particularly Illusion magic.

Personality Characteristics


Aria’s primary goal is to become a renowned Illusionist and treasure hunter. She dreams of uncovering lost artifacts and bringing light to forgotten lore, driven by a desire to prove that her skills are not just for show but have the power to shape reality. Her passion for exploration and adventure fuels her journey, and she is determined to leave a lasting legacy in the world of magic. Additionally, she harbors a hope of one day finding her brother Thorne, believing that their bond can be mended despite the paths they have chosen.
Known Spells:
  • Color Spray
  • Invisibility
  • Mirror Image
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Madam Aria Swift-Paw

Articles under Aria Swift-paw


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