Daladrin Bower

Adrift Soul Daladrin Bower (a.k.a. Dalaran)

Mental characteristics


No former education


Various odd jobs during the pilgramage to Fran Shandan

Unlucky commoner

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Chaotic Neutral
Sleetshore Fishing Village
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
80 kg

Articles under Daladrin Bower

Session 3

# Session 3: The Enthralling Festival of the Magician and the Daunting Dragon Imperium's Initiation Exam   ## The Unyielding Tenants of the Dragon Imperium  
  • Unwavering respect for the towering imperial authority.
  • Absolute prohibition of the dangerous and forbidden magics.
  • The solemn duty to protect and exercise utmost discretion with the arcane secrets of the Dragon Imperium.
  • A steadfast adherence to a noble and ethical code of conduct.
  • ## The Foreboding Entrance Exam   The adventurers were urged to prepare for the looming entrance exam, with a comforting reassurance that failure is a rarity. However, despite this, Daladrin and Inni stumbled and fell due to unfortunate rolls by Conor and Luca. They now face the daunting task of resitting the exam.   ## The Enigmatic Ancient Phrase   The adventurers delved into a mysterious book to decipher the first word of the cryptic phrase, 'Obey', a harsh word in the guttural abyssal language. The second word, 'Overwhelming', was translated by the ethereal fae that Cooper sought out. The final word, 'Power', was revealed by Lavender, the enigmatic mail-man.   ## The Mesmerizing Festival of the Magician   The adventurers immersed themselves in the vibrant festivities, participating in mystical tarot readings, engaging with exotic merchants, and a thrilling familiar competition. A surprising revelation was that Aria Swiftpaw's companion is a humble mouse.   ## The Hidden Staircase   Armed with the complete phrase, the adventurers ventured to the library under the cloak of night and spoke the words with unwavering intent. This incantation revealed a hidden staircase, a path leading to yet another enigmatic puzzle.   ## Other Intriguing Events  
  • Astor M. Tyrese, with a stern reminder, made it clear to the adventurers that they are not the only students in the race to uncover the school's concealed magics.
  • Daladrin and Inni, in their quest for answers, skipped their morning potions class to seek wisdom from Professor Shortcake, only to discover her fondness for the decadent Dark Forest Gateau.
  • The adventurers honed their skills under the tutelage of Professor Tibber Thistles, learning the art of concocting a healing potion.
  • Inihala was plagued by strange, authoritative dreams.
  • The adventurers crossed paths with Lavender, a mail-man with a spicy personality.
  •         INCASE YOUR CURIOUS OF THE HAND WRITTEN NOTES:     Joe and Luca made copies of the book.   META: We have been at the school for a month.   In session three the adventurers experienced the festival of the magician and the students first real test, the Dragon Imperium's initiation exam.   We are first reminded of the dragon imperium's tenants;  
  • Must respect imperial authority.
  • Cannot practice forbidden magics.
  • Must strive to protect the secret magic's of the dragon imperium and practice discretion with our power.
  • Are always subject to an ethical code of conduct.
  •   We are told to prepare for the entrance exam and were told it is uncommon for people to fail the test.   Player use the book to read the first word of the mysterious ancient phrase. 'Obey' a ugly word in abyssal.   Reminded by Astor M. Tyrese that we are not the only students trying to uncover secret magics hidden in the school, and knowing how busy the next few days are going to be. Daladrin and Inni decided to skip their morning potions class and went to see Professor Shortcake to ask for answers, Cooper decided to visit the recently rescued fairies.   Cooper talks to the fae and they translate the second word, 'Overwhelming'.   While the good students go to class with professor professor Tibber Thistles, they learn how to make a healing potion.   Inni and Daladrin end up waiting outside professor Shortcakes' office only to find out that her favourite type of cake is Dark Forest Gateau.   In the afternoon the first years have their initiation exams, Conor and Luca have shit rolls and therefore Daladrin and Inni fail the exam... The two must resit their exam.   That night Inihala has weird bossy dreams.   The next day is the day of the magician. The Festival, players play games and meet people. Highlights including tarot readings, merchants and a familiar competition. With the discovery of the shocking knowledge that Aria Swiftpaw's companion is a mouse...   Near the end of the festival the students ran into Lavender, our favourite spicy mail-man. Lavender translates the last word 'Power'.   Now knowing all three words and feeling an overwhelming need to solve the riddle before Astor all the PC's went to the library in the night and spoke the words in common with intent and a staircase opened.   Downstairs laid another puzzle...

    Session 2

    In Session 2, the group of young initiates from The Academy of Arcane Arts continued their journey of discovery and adventure. They encountered Astor M. Tyrese, a black-haired 2nd year human, who overheard them trying to decipher a mysterious book on Abyssal. Astor convinced them to hand over the book, which ultimately backfired.   The group then met Professor Badar in the courtyard, where they learned more about their familiars and their abilities to do elemental damage. Excitement mounted as they embarked on an excursion to a nearby Glade that had slipped into the material plane from the Shaywild. Their eccentric escort, Lavender, led them on a journey filled with surprises and challenges.   During the excursion, they encountered Drop Trolls, strange creatures that seemed to regenerate. Professor Badar made a brave stand to hold back the trolls, and a mysterious woman named Miss Moonishi emerged to help cover their retreat. Moonishi, the local Druid in charge of protecting the Enekati Grove, used her powers to fend off the trolls with flame seed.   As they made their way back to Moonishi's residence, the group learned about Trolls and their anatomy. Professor Badar shared more insights about their mission on the excursion. Upon returning to the Glade from the Shaywild, they encountered a Fairy named Trix, who shared a tale of adventurers burning down their homes.   After locating all the fairies in the area and bringing them back to the magic school, Moonishi helped restore the Glade to the Shaywild. The group gained valuable knowledge about the interconnected realms of the Shaywild, Material Plane, and The Neeth.   Back at school, Astor declared his intention to find a wand before the group. They then met Hecate the cat, who guided them to the old newsroom in the school library. There, they encountered a ghost named Negina Oliverth, who revealed information about Selene Brightwing's wand, Charmshiver. The ghost mentioned that the mysterious circle was not present during Brightwing's lifetime.   Despite Astor's betrayal, the group pressed on with renewed determination. They attempted to break onto the 4th floor to retrieve another book on Abyssal, employing a half-baked plan involving Parkour and a frog. Daladrin's distraction led to being escorted off by the Necromancy Professor Gumgoth, but the players managed to evade the enchanted armor and continue their quest for knowledge and adventure.   The players made it to the news room.               IF YOU ARE CURIOUS OF THE HAND WRITTEN NOTES :   Kiyomi tried to read our book on Abyssal.   Astor M. Tyrese a black haired 2nd year human overheard us in the common room trying to decipher the book. Astor convinced us to hand over the book, which backfired.   We met professor Badar in the courtyard and learned some more about our familiars (Can do 1d4 elemental damage).   EXCURSION TIME!   We are travelling on a short few days journey to a nearby Glade that has slipped into the material plane from the Shaywild. Our trip escort is an eccentric man named Lavender who is very fun to hang out with. We discovered that Gar Leek has a backstory and his parents are dead. During the trip we are ambushed by Drop Trolls (Weird black lumps) that seem to regenerate. During the ambush we are separated from our Professor as he makes a stand to hold back the trolls. A mysterious woman emerges from the forest to help cover our retreat. She turns out to be Miss Moonishi, the local Druid in charge of protecting the Enekati Grove. Moonishi uses flame seed. IT IS VERY EFFECTIVE.   During the walk back to moonishi's residence we are taught a quick lesson on Trolls and their anatomy.   At the druid's home we meet up with Professor Badar. Prof. tells us more about what we are doing on this excursion.   We arrive at the Glade from the shaywild and we encounter a Fairy named Trix. The fairy tells us the tail of how some adventurers burned down their homes. (Sounds deserved to me).   After finding all the fairies in the area (Trix, Pix, and Pez) we take them back to the magic school as Moonishi helps restore the Glade back to the Shaywild.   We get some lore on how the Shaywild, Material Plane and The Neeth are layered in the world.   We get back to school and Astor fires the first shot declaring he will find the wand before us.   We meet Hecate the cat who shows us to the old news room in the school library where we encounter a ghost, Negina Oliverth. We find out that Selene Brightwing's wand was called Charmshiver. The ghost tells us that the mysterious circle was not on the ground when she was alive (During the lifetime of Brightwing).   Astor's betrayal was a setback but with renewed vigour we decide to try breaking onto the 4th floor to recover another book on Abysal. A half baked plan involving Parkour and a frog later and we narrowly manage to succeed. Daladrin was forced to make a distraction and has now been escorted off by the Necromancy Professor Gumgoth. Players managed to evade the enchanted armour.

    Session 1 - Magic School Begins!

    # Session 1 - 26/05/2024   In the year 5809, a group of young initiates bound for the The Academy of Arcane Arts meet each other for the first time. Told to wait for a liaison to collect us and transport us to the school grounds which are on a different plane of reality known as The Shaywild.   The group contains seven new first year students;   1) Myself, Daladrin Bower. A human sorcerer slash wizard. After what felt like years of travelling from Sleetshore in the far west to get to Ever-Stone, the seemingly young wizard is keen to start a new chapter in life as a scholar and practitioner of the magical arts.   2) [[Cooper Peaty]], an Earth Genasi druid played by Andy. First impressions are that they have serious daddy issues.   3) [[Gar Leek]], a gnome from Bramblebark played by Joe.   4) [[Inihara Nemphos]] (a.k.a) Ini, a Tiefling Warlock who has been forced to go to the school as a punishment for crimes she previously committed in Piridon. Inny is played by Luca. When Inny is very angry her eye colour changes. A quote - "When my eye colour changes, it is the last thing that people see before they die".   5) [[Kiyomi Su'tera]], the most relaxed and quietly confident Tiefling of the group. Played by Abby, Kiyomi was born in a small village called Cinderfall on The Izokoki Isle.   6) Kael Su'tera, Kiyomi's twin brother. This NPC has come to the school with Kiyomi to learn to control their wild and dangerous magical abilities.   7) The final student is Aria Swift-Paw, an NPC Tabaxi, described as having very fuzzy fur with a soft clumsy demeaner.   After a short time, the group was collected by [[Archmage Selene Fetherthus]], a 7 foot tall Owlin who escorted us to the Shaywild and the school grounds of The Academy of Arcane Arts.   Selene's first lesson is about the Shaywild, the magically enhanced neighbour to the material plane. We are told that their are only two ways to get to and from this plane; either with the practiced use of magic spells or during a planar convergence.   Transported by a portal spell, the first years get their first view of The Academy and its warding dome Aelar.   After the first day induction and a tour of the campus the players make their way to the Dormitories, With a large central shared common space and numbered bedroom doors around the outside (Daladrin was assigned room 1). In the common room the first years meet some of the other students at the school.   [[Lyra Argalight]] - a white dragonborn [[Mirel Sar-Fa]] - 2nd year firbolg [[Therisa Nerilen]] - Shadowkai 4th year [[Zak Winwiser]] - The school troublemaker, the crazy blue toned Air Genasi, the sexy 4th year.   We all received our school uniform. Described as being a fine long robe with navy blue colouring and the school crest visible.   Party turns in for the night eager for their first lessons in the morning.   Keen for their first day, the first years are sent to the [[The Academy of Arcane Arts#^mcp|Magical Creatures Pavilion]] where they meet [[Auronathir the Wise]] known as Aura. A silver dragon who teaches Animal Handling.   The first first half of lessons was learning how to summon a familiar. The species was picked at random and each character got to name their familiar. I got Frostbite the Fae Silver Fox.   The second half was a lecture about blink dogs and displacer beasts.   The second day was Transmutation classes. Taught by [[Professor Tia Sonap]], we learned an amazing spell called prestidigitation.   Third day we went to the **Necromantic Studies Chamber** to learn the Spare the Dying cantrip. The class was taught by [[Professor Xalan'dar Gumgoth]]   After class Luca's eyes chan ged colour and nobody died.   Fourth day was Cartography. After class the 1st years had a free period so they decided to study in the library.   In the library they learnt a bit about the dragon imperium and the history of Magic School. After some perception check some players heard a voice in their head saying "Come find me...". Later on players once again heard the voice "Come find me... The Wand!". After some getting some advice they decide to make a dousing rod to detect the source of this weird voice.   To make the rod players had to complete a magic ritual with the Illusion teachers assistance to capture the essence of the voice in a jar. The ritual was successful and a pair of dousing rod is made.   Following the trail of the dousing rod we were pointed back to the library where we first heard the voice and deduced that the voice was not a creature. Looking around the players discovered the library is guarded by enchanted suits of armor, their job is to enforce the school's fascist control of information.   Looking around the first floor of the library, players discovered an ancient symbol in the floor. The symbol seemed have writing from several ancient and forgotten languages from beyond the material plane. We were able to tell that a portion was written in Sylvan.   After making a copy of the symbol the students began trying to decipher the meaning. So far they figured out that it contains some Sylvan and some Abyssal. After finding out that books on the Abyssal language were forbidden for 1st years we decided to convince Zak to smuggle us the book.   After failing to convince Zak to stick his neck out for nothing, Daladrin challenged Zak to a game of poker dice best out of 3 and lost. However, Zak still decided to help, on the condition that we helped him leave the school premises that night. Ini was sent out after dark to set a small distraction fire using a gallon of oil. After setting a decent area of the gardens on fire Ini was immediately caught and sent straight to the principles office. The principle lectured Ini about what the alternative to school would be like and threatened to expel her.   Zak managed to get us a book on the Abyssal language the next morning.   End of session


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