Death - Grim Reaper - MAJOUR

In the pantheon of gods, the third deity of law, known as "Death," is revered as the ultimate arbiter of fate and the guardian of the natural order. Contrary to common misconceptions, Death is not a malevolent force but rather a necessary aspect of existence, representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.   Death is often depicted as a shrouded figure, skeletal yet regal, embodying the finality of life's journey. His eyes, though hollow, seem to see everything, piercing through the veils of reality to the truth that lies beyond. Death exudes an aura of solemnity and inevitability, his presence a reminder of the transience of mortal life and the impermanence of all things. Death stands as a silent sentinel at the threshold between the mortal world and the afterlife, guiding souls to their final rest with compassion and dignity.   But Death is not merely a stern judge of souls—he is also a compassionate guide, offering solace and guidance to those who pass into his realm. He understands the struggles and sorrows of mortal life, and he offers comfort to those who suffer, guiding them gently into the embrace of oblivion and ushering them toward their next journey beyond the veil.   Despite his fearsome reputation, Death is not feared by all. Many mortals view him not as a harbinger of doom but as a comforting presence, offering release from the burdens of mortality and the promise of new beginnings beyond the grave. With his guidance, souls find peace and solace in the knowledge that their journey does not end with death but continues on into eternity.

Divine Domains

As a god of law, Death presides over matters of mortality and the passage of souls, ensuring that all beings are held accountable for their actions in life and that justice is meted out in accordance with the cosmic order. He is the guardian of the underworld, where the souls of the departed journey after death to be judged and assigned their eternal fate.   Death's influence is felt in the changing of seasons, the fall of leaves, and the natural cycles of life. He ensures that every end is followed by a new beginning, maintaining the balance of existence.


His artifacts are items that transcend mortality, like a broach that always shows the night sky or an amulet that allows safe passage through the underworld.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbols of Death are the hourglass and the scythe, representing the passage of time and the harvest of souls.

Tenets of Faith

Death teaches that the end is a natural part of the cycle of life. He encourages his followers to accept the inevitability of death and to live their lives with purpose and dignity.


The sacred times for Death's followers are those that mark the end of cycles, such as the last day of the year or the final harvest. Rituals often involve remembrance of the deceased and the celebration of their lives.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Death's ultimate purpose is to ensure the continuity of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. He works to maintain the cosmic balance, ensuring that every ending is met with a new beginning.
Divine Classification
Majour God of Law

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