Dwarven Reinforced Cloak

In the realm of protective artifacts, the Dwarven Reinforced Cloak stands out as a remarkable creation, blending the art of dwarven smithing with the subtlety of defensive magic. This cloak appears to be a typical garment, but upon command, it transforms into a rigid barrier, capable of shielding the wearer from physical harm.
When danger looms, the wearer can activate the cloak’s magic with a touch to the brooch. The fabric stiffens instantaneously, its mithril threads locking into a lattice that disperses the force of blows, much like the most expertly forged armour. The transformation is swift, allowing the wearer to raise the cloak in defence as easily as one might lift a shield.  

Capabilities and Limitations

  The Dwarven Reinforced Cloak is highly effective against a wide range of physical attacks. It can absorb the impact of arrows, deflect the slash of a sword, and even cushion the wearer from falls or blunt force. However, its protection against magical attacks is limited. While it may provide some defence against low-level spells, potent magic can penetrate its defences. It also cannot prevent effects such as heat or cold and will react in a way typical of metal.


The first Cloak was forged in the depths of the now lost dwarven stronghold of Dunden-Migi, at a time when the dwarves were seeking ways to protect their scouts and messengers who ventured beyond their fortified walls. The cloak was the brainchild of Master Artificer Thrain Heavyhand, a dwarf renowned for his skill in blending magic and metallurgy.   Thrain’s creation was initially met with scepticism, as the idea of a cloak that could serve as armour was unheard of. But when he demonstrated its capabilities, the cloak was quickly adopted by the dwarven military. Scouts wearing the Reinforced Cloak could move swiftly and silently, yet were protected as if clad in full armor.   Today, the Dwarven Cloak is a relic of a bygone era, sought after by collectors and adventurers alike. Its legacy endures in the tales of the dwarves and the legends of those who have wielded its power.
Item type
Raw materials & Components
The cloak is crafted from a unique blend of materials: the outer layer is a fine, durable fabric that resists wear and tear, while the inner lining is interwoven with threads of mithril, a metal revered by dwarves for its strength and lightness. The cloak’s clasp is an ornate brooch, often bearing the crest of the wearer’s clan, which serves as the focus for its protective enchantments.


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Aug 14, 2024 17:22 by Adam Tingley

Great idea! I can imagine so many uses for something like this. Not just in warfare or defense but for a civilization in general.