Edict of Eshaxian Righteousness Document in Zæthéria | World Anvil

Edict of Eshaxian Righteousness

In the annals of Eshaxian history, there lies a document of such profound influence that it not only cemented the empire’s social structure but also quelled a burgeoning revolution that sought to dismantle it. This document, known as the Edict of Eshaxian Righteousness, was crafted under the auspices of the Emperor and his council, designed to reinforce the caste system that had long been the bedrock of Eshaxian society.
The Edict was a response to the growing unrest among the lower castes, fueled by a group of freedom fighters. These rebels, driven by ideals of equality and justice, had begun to gain support across the empire, their message resonating with those who had long felt the yoke of an oppressive hierarchy.   The Edict of Sundering was a multifaceted document:
  • Divine Sanction: It proclaimed that the caste system was ordained by the gods themselves, with each caste’s duty divinely appointed. To go against the caste was to go against the gods.
  • Economic Incentives: The Edict offered economic benefits to those within the system, promising greater prosperity and stability for those who adhered to their roles.
  • Military Might: It warned of the military’s power, the disciplined legions and war elephants ready to defend the empire’s traditions.
  • Cultural Integration: The Edict was woven into the fabric of Eshaxian culture, with references to it incorporated into the Equinox Festival and other cultural ceremonies, reinforcing its acceptance.
  • Architectural Marvels: It funded the construction of grand architectural projects that employed thousands, turning potential rebels into loyal workers proud of their contributions to the empire’s grandeur.
The Edict’s release was strategically timed, coinciding with a period of economic prosperity due to a recent surge in trade. The promise of continued wealth and the fear of divine retribution were powerful deterrents to rebellion. The Liberators, who had once seemed on the cusp of revolution, found themselves vilified as heretics and traitors, their support dwindling as the Edict took hold in the hearts and minds of the people. The Edict of Sundering became a cornerstone of Eshaxian governance, its influence echoing through the centuries.


The Emperor, sensing the threat to his rule and the established order, convened his most trusted advisors. Together, they crafted the Edict, a masterstroke of political maneuvering that would not only affirm the caste system but also turn the populace against the Liberators.
Decree, Religious


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