Hearth Glyphs

In the Republic of Oswax, a tradition steeped in history and community spirit manifests in the form of Hearth Glyphs. Hearth Glyphs are simple yet profound carvings found on the doorframes of homes throughout Oswax. Each glyph, with its curves and lines, represents a prayer, a wish, or a testament to the household’s beliefs. They are a visual narrative, telling stories of love, prosperity, and safety


Over time, the Hearth Glyphs have woven themselves into the fabric of Oswaxian culture. They are more than decorations; they are a cultural lexicon, a way for the people to express their deepest desires and to connect with the generations that came before. The glyphs are a testament to the Oswaxian belief in the power of intention and the magic found in unity and shared purpose. For the citizens of Oswax, the Hearth Glyphs are a source of comfort and reassurance. They serve as daily reminders of what is cherished most in life and are believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to the home. In times of uncertainty, one need only look upon these symbols to feel the strength and support of their community.


The act of carving these glyphs is a ritual that binds the community. It is often performed during significant life events—weddings, births, or the welcoming of a new year. The head of the household typically leads the carving, but it is a collective endeavor, with every family member, from the eldest to the youngest, participating.  
  • The Circle: A simple circle representing family unity and the bond between loved ones.
  • Twin Barley Stalks: Symbolizing fertility and abundance, often carved by those wishing for a bountiful harvest or a growing family.
  • Crossed Hammers: Denoting hard work and craftsmanship, a tribute to the laborers and artisans of Oswax.
  • Open Book: A glyph for knowledge and wisdom, favored by scholars and those who value education.
  • Woven Basket: Representing community support and the sharing of resources, a common symbol among the generous and hospitable.


Entwined with the tradition of Hearth Glyphs are the superstitions that give them power in the eyes of the Oswaxians. It is said that a home without a glyph is like a night without stars—lacking guidance and vulnerable to the unseen. The Hearth Glyphs are believed to be most potent when carved under the light of the full moon, or during the first snow of winter, when the world is pure and new.
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Aug 19, 2024 01:43 by Deleyna Marr

So these would tell a family's history? Beautiful tradition.
