Item 15

Item 15 is a long-running global society of black market traders and smugglers. Members of this guild are known to have the shadiest of possible connections but are able to procure any item, no matter how immoral or illegal.   Item 15 is a shadowy cabal that operates in the underbelly of Zæthéria’s markets and dark alleys.   The origins of Item 15 are lost to time, but legend has it that they began as a collective of merchants who were ousted from the mainstream marketplaces for their dubious practices. Over time, they grew in number and influence, becoming the go-to network for forbidden wares.   Item 15 has a vast network that spans continents. They are known to deal in everything from rare magical artifacts to illegal drugs and slaves of varying purposes. Their methods are secretive, and they often use magical means to transport goods, leaving no trace for authorities to follow.   Joining Item 15 is no easy feat. Prospective members must prove their worth through a series of trials that test their cunning, resourcefulness, and discretion. Once in, members are bound by a magical pact of secrecy, enforced by powerful enchantments.   The leadership of Item 15 is a council of the most successful and ruthless traders. They are known as the "Regents", and each oversees a different aspect of the guild’s operations, from acquisitions to enforcement.   Among both the common folk and wealthy elite, Item 15 is less than even a whispered rumour. Its existence is known only to those who already have deep underbelly connections.   The cost of doing business with Item 15 is steep. They accept not only gold but also favors, secrets, and other forms of currency that can be leveraged for their benefit. Some say that the true price of their service is a piece of one’s soul.
Illicit, Cartel


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