Justice - Rule of Law - MAJOUR

In the pantheon of gods, the second deity of law, known as "Justice," is revered as the embodiment of fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law. Justice stands as a stalwart defender of order and equity, ensuring that all beings, mortal and immortal alike, are held accountable for their actions and that right prevails over wrong.   Justice is portrayed as a figure of sublime beauty, her features etched with the wisdom of the ages. Her blindfold represents her impartiality, and her scales are always in perfect equilibrium, symbolizing her commitment to fairness. Justice judges the deeds of mortals and gods alike, weighing their actions against the standards of truth and righteousness.   But Justice is not merely a stern arbiter of right and wrong—she is also a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who seek to uphold the principles of fairness and equity. She inspires mortals to stand up for what is right, to defend the weak and vulnerable, and to strive for justice in all aspects of their lives. With her guidance, heroes are born, laws are enacted, and societies thrive in harmony and order.   Yet, for all her impartiality, Justice is not without compassion. She understands the complexities of mortal life and the nuances of the world, and she offers solace and guidance to those who seek her wisdom. Whether comforting a grieving soul, offering counsel to a troubled ruler, or standing alongside her followers in the face of adversity, Justice embodies the ideals of compassion and empathy as much as she does those of law and order.

Divine Domains

As the goddess of law, Justice presides over courts of law and tribunals, ensuring that justice is administered fairly and without bias. She is the guardian of contracts and agreements, ensuring that oaths are upheld and promises are kept. Under her watchful eye, the guilty are punished and the innocent are vindicated, their fates determined by the impartial judgment of the law.   Justice's influence manifests in the establishment of fair laws, the resolution of conflicts, and the protection of the innocent. She empowers those who fight for the rights of others and uphold the rule of law.


Her artifacts are items of unerring accuracy, such as a quill that writes only truth or a set of scales that can weigh a soul's worth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The primary symbol of Justice is the balanced scale, often accompanied by a blindfold.

Tenets of Faith

Justice teaches that fairness and impartiality are the cornerstones of a just society. She urges her followers to look beyond personal biases and to act in the best interest of all.


The sacred days for Justice's followers are those that mark significant legal milestones, such as the signing of treaties or the enactment of important laws. Rituals often involve reaffirming one's commitment to truth and justice.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Justice's ultimate goal is the perpetuation of a fair and balanced cosmos. She works tirelessly to ensure that the scales of the universe remain in harmony, reflecting her vision of an equitable world for all beings.
Divine Classification
Majour God of Law

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