

Material Characteristics

Mythril is a lustrous, silvery metal, lighter than iron yet far stronger. It possesses a unique sheen that seems to capture and reflect even the faintest light, giving it an ethereal glow, especially under the moonlit sky. The metal is cool to the touch, and its surface is so smooth that it feels almost liquid under one’s fingers.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The most remarkable property of Mythril is its resistance to decay. Neither rust nor corrosion can mar its surface, and it remains untarnished by time or the elements. It is impervious to most magical and physical alterations, making it an ideal material for crafting artifacts of great power and permanence. As long as one has the ability to alter it from its raw form.   When treated and heated effectively, Mythril is also incredibly malleable and can be worked into shapes and forms that would be impossible with other metals. This quality, when combined with its durability, makes it a favoured material for the finest armor, weapons, and magical implements. Items crafted from Mythril are not only functional but also works of art, often passed down through generations as family heirlooms.

Geology & Geography

Mythril is found deep within the oldest geological formations of Zæthéria, often associated with regions of strong magical ley lines. The metal is typically mined from veins that run through quartz and other igneous rock formations. These veins are rare and difficult to locate, often requiring the use of divination magic or the instincts of a seasoned prospector.   The mining of Mythril is a delicate process, as the metal’s inherent magic can be disrupted by careless handling. Only the most skilled dwarven and gnomish smiths are entrusted with the task of extracting and refining Mythril, a tradition that has been honed over centuries.

Origin & Source

It is said that the metal was first discovered by the ancient dwarves, who attributed its creation to the dance of deep living primordials. According to dwarven lore, Mythril is the embodiment of the earth’s purity, a gift from the gods to those who walk the mortal plane.
Another legend speaks of a great dragon, whose scales were forged from the essence of the stars. When the dragon fell in battle, its scales scattered across the land, and where they touched the earth, Mythril veins were formed. This tale is often recounted by bards and is a favorite among the miners who seek the metal’s bounty.


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