
Basic Information


The Necrofalcon is an extraordinary hybrid creature, birthed of the necromantic prowess of Thaddeus Blackwood. It retains the formidable anatomy of a falcon, with its muscular build and powerful wings designed for speed and precision. However, its feathers are tinged with an unnatural green hue, a permanent mark of the Emerald Flame that both created and cursed it. Its eyes, once a sharp yellow, now glow with a ghostly green luminescence, providing it with an otherworldly appearance. The flesh of the Necrofalcon, though seemingly alive, is sustained by dark magic, rendering it impervious to decay and the need for sustenance.


In behavior, the Necrofalcon is a solitary sentinel, eternally bound to the ruins of Blackwood’s hideout. It patrols the skies with a relentless dedication, driven by an enchantment that compels it to protect and serve its master’s will. Despite its undead nature, the Necrofalcon is not devoid of sensation. The emerald flames that gave it life also imbued it with a constant, searing torment—a reminder of its unnatural existence. This perpetual discomfort has shaped its psychology, making it a creature of aggression and eternal vigilance. It is said that the Necrofalcon’s screech is a lament, a mournful cry that echoes the pain of the Emerald Flame that burns within its undead heart.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Necrofalcon’s senses have been augmented beyond the natural capabilities of its avian counterparts. Its vision, already remarkable, has been enhanced to pierce through the veil of darkness, allowing it to detect the faintest movements in the dead of night. Additionally, it possesses an extrasensory perception, a gift from the necromantic energies that bind it to this realm, enabling it to sense the presence of life and magic. This heightened awareness makes the Necrofalcon an impeccable guardian, alert to any intrusion or arcane disturbance within the vicinity of its domain.


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