Revenant Crow

Basic Information


The revenant crow bears the stark silhouette of its once-living counterpart, the common crow. However, its form has been altered by the dark magics of the Fell that animate it. Its feathers, matte and devoid of life’s luster, are a deep, onyx black, absorbing light rather than reflecting it. The revenant crow’s eyes are the most striking feature, pale lifeless orbs, they serve as windows to its undead essence. Its body, though appearing fragile, is resilient to the decay that claims ordinary flesh, and it moves with an eerie grace that belies its unnatural state.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As an undead entity, the revenant crow does not require sustenance in the traditional sense. It is not driven by hunger or the need for oxygen. The dark magics that animate it replace the physiological necessities of a living creature.   The revenant crow’s habitat is as unconventional as its diet. It is often found in places associated with death and decay, such as ancient battlefields, forgotten graveyards, or the ruins of cursed places. These locations are rich in the ambient magical energies that undead creatures are drawn to. The revenant crow is particularly suited to environments where the veil between life and death is thin, and where it can fulfill its role as a guardian or sentinel.


Driven by the necromantic energies that gave it unlife, the revenant crow exhibits behaviors that are a macabre mimicry of its living instincts. It is often found perched silently, watching over the area it guards.   The revenant crow is bound to the will of its creator, compelled to obey the commands given to it without question or hesitation.   The revenant crow is often silent, its presence marked by a quiet malevolence, forever trapped in a state of limbo between life and death.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The revenant crow possesses an enhanced perception that allows it to see in near-total darkness, a necessary adaptation for a creature that often serves as a sentinel or scout in the shadowy realms.   It can sense the vitality of living creatures, an ability that makes it a relentless tracker and a harbinger of doom for those it hunts.   The revenant crow can detect magical energies and disturbances, making it a valuable guardian against arcane intruders.
Geographic Distribution


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