Sir Aldaric Vinci the Valorous/Subjugator Character in Zæthéria | World Anvil

Sir Aldaric Vinci the Valorous/Subjugator

Sir Aldaric Vinci of Résoudre was once the Godborn of Strength , serving to uphold and enforce Strength's ideals. As a general of the Résoudre, he led his soldiers with honour and fairness, upholding the law and protecting the weak. His name was synonymous with valor, and his presence on the battlefield inspired courage in the hearts of his men.   But that reputation would not last for when, during a battle against the monsters of The Dead Spance Sir Aldaric encountered a relic of immense power, an amulet bearing a crown of flames (A mark of The Emperor). The moment Sir Aldric laid his hands upon the amulet, a dark seed was planted in his heart.   As days turned to weeks, the once-noble paladin began to change. His thoughts became consumed with the pursuit of power. The amulet whispered promises of invincibility and the ability to serve his god tenfold, clouding his mind in an attempt to make the paladin cast aside the laws of Strength and embrace the ruthless doctrine of The Emperor. Sir Aldaric's demeanour began to grow harsh, and his judgment more severe. His soldiers, who once looked up to him, now whispered in fear of his wrath.   The transformation reached its zenith when Sir Aldaric, in a fit of madness, turned on his own men. Believing that their strength would flow into him, he slew them one by one, absorbing their life essence through the cursed amulet. With each life taken, his power grew, but so did his insanity.   Now, Sir Aldaric roams The Dead Spance as a fallen knight, a husk of his former self. His armour, once gleaming, is now a twisted mass of metal that writhes with the souls of his fallen soldiers. He is a terror on the battlefield, an unstoppable force driven by an insatiable hunger for power.
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Quotes & Catchphrases


"To stand against darkness, we must be the light. Our unity is our strength, and with it, we shall prevail!" - Sir Aldaric the Valorous


"Strength is the only truth! Yield to me, for I am the mightiest, and through strength, I shall forge a new order!” - Sir Aldaric the Subjugator


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