Solomon Lepus

Solomon, known for his sharp mind and swifter blade, is a figure shrouded in mystery. Rumours say he was once a noble, cast out and seeking vengeance against the society that wronged him.   Solomon’s past is a tapestry of privilege and betrayal. Born into nobility, he was groomed for a life of diplomacy and luxury. However, a scandal—fueled by political rivals—led to his family’s downfall. Stripped of titles and wealth, Solomon vanished into the shadows of Piridon.   Charismatic and intelligent, Solomon is a master strategist. He speaks with a silver tongue, able to sway both friend and foe with his words. Despite his fall from grace, he retains a noble air, a reminder of the life he once had.   Adept with a blade, Solomon is a formidable opponent. His true strength, however, lies in his ability to read people and situations, always staying two steps ahead of his enemies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Solomon is tall and lean, with piercing green eyes that miss nothing. His attire is a blend of finery and function, often seen wearing a nobelmans hat, or a cloak with a hood to conceal his identity.
Aligned Organization


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