The Deep Rift

The expansion of the Deep Rift is primarily due to seafloor spreading, a process where tectonic plates, massive slabs of the planet’s lithosphere, gradually move apart from each other1. This movement is driven by mantle convection, the slow churning motion of the semi-fluid layer beneath the lithosphere. As the plates diverge, magma from the mantle rises to fill the gap, creating new seafloor and causing the chasm to widen.   Magical currents, unleashed during a convergence of the Mid-Realm and the Neth, are be exacerbating the rift’s expansion. These energies cause instability in the tectonic plates, accelerating their separation beyond the normal geological pace.   The expansion of the Abyssal Rift has significant implications for the surrounding environment. It leads to the creation of new ecosystems as the seafloor changes, but it also pose dangers. The release of toxic gases, the formation of unpredictable currents, and the emergence of new predatory creatures from the depths.


The Deep Rift, located at great depths, is characterized by darkness, high pressure, and potentially extreme temperatures due to geothermal activity. The rift’s expansion could be creating new hydrothermal vents, which would emit mineral-rich plumes that support a diverse array of organisms.   In the absence of sunlight, the base of the food chain in the Abyssal Rift consists of chemosynthetic bacteria and other microorganisms. These primary producers convert the toxic minerals from hydrothermal vents into usable energy, supporting the rest of the ecosystem.   The fauna of the Abyssal Rift would include creatures adapted to the harsh conditions. This could range from giant tube worms and blind crustaceans to bioluminescent fish and cephalopods. Magical influences might give rise to entirely new species or fantastical variations of known deep-sea creatures.   The ecosystem havsa complex web of predator-prey relationships. Predators might include large, elusive creatures capable of navigating the treacherous rift terrain, while prey species would have evolved various defence mechanisms, such as hard shells or the ability to blend into the rocky environment.
Chasm, Underwater


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