The Devil - Nemesis

The Devil symbolizes temptation, bondage, and the darker aspects of human nature. The Devil is often depicted as a figure ensnared by the very temptations they represent, illustrating the bondage that comes from surrendering to base desires.   The Devil embodies the chaotic energies unleashed by greed, lust, and obsession.

Divine Domains

The Devil holds sway over the shadowy corners of the heart and mind, where temptation and desire lie in wait. This deity's influence is felt in the pull of greed, the heat of lust, and the grip of obsession—forces that can lead to chaos if left unchecked.   The Devil's influence is felt in the tests of character that individuals face, the allure of power and pleasure, and the personal battles waged within the soul.


Artifacts linked to The Devil might include a mirror that reveals one's true self or a lock that can only be opened by overcoming a personal challenge.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols associated with The Devil include a chain, representing the consequences of succumbing to temptation, and flames, symbolizing both the allure and danger of forbidden pleasures.

Tenets of Faith

The Devil teaches that freedom comes from recognizing and overcoming one's weaknesses. Adherents are encouraged to confront their temptations, to understand them, and ultimately, to master them.


The holy days for The Devil are times of personal significance, such as anniversaries of past mistakes or moments of great temptation. Rituals involve acts of self-reflection, atonement, and the reaffirmation of one's commitment to personal autonomy.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of the Devil is to challenge followers with temptation and inner demons, leading to personal liberation and autonomy.
Divine Classification
Minor God of Chaos

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