The Hanged Man - Martyr

The Hanged Man represents sacrifice, surrender, and the acceptance of the unknown. The Hanged Man is depicted as a tranquil figure suspended upside down, signifying a different perspective on the world.   The Hanged Man embodies the chaotic energies unleashed by the willingness to let go of control and embrace uncertainty.

Divine Domains

The Hanged Man oversees the chaotic realm of sacrifice and letting go. This deity's influence is felt in the moments when individuals relinquish control, accept their circumstances, and find wisdom in passivity and contemplation.   The Hanged Man's influence is felt in the serenity that comes after surrender, the acceptance of fate, and the transformation that follows a period of stasis.


Artifacts linked to The Hanged Man might include a rope that binds nothing or a pendant that allows the wearer to see things from a new perspective.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols associated with The Hanged Man include an inverted ankh, representing life in suspension, and a halo of light around the head, indicating enlightenment through sacrifice.

Tenets of Faith

The Hanged Man teaches that true strength comes from the willingness to embrace the unknown and to let go of the illusion of control. Adherents are encouraged to find peace in uncertainty and to use times of apparent inaction as opportunities for inner growth.


The holy days for The Hanged Man are observed during eclipses and other celestial events that symbolize the suspension of the normal order. Rituals involve meditation, fasting, and acts of personal sacrifice to gain deeper insights and understanding.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of the Hanged Man is to encourage acceptance of the unknown and finding wisdom in surrender.
Divine Classification
Minor God of Chaos

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