The Hare

The second in command of the gang "Bane of Piridon"   Little is known about the one they call The Hare. Some say she was a soldier; others whisper she was a thief who tried to rob Solomon and was bested by him.   Fierce and unyielding, The Hare is the muscle to Solomon’s mind. She is fiercely loyal to Solomon and follows his commands without question, but she is not without her own sense of morality.   Known for her speed and agility, The Hare is a whirlwind in combat. She wields dual daggers with deadly precision and is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Hare is a formidable presence, with a muscular build and scars that tell tales of countless battles. Her hair is short and wild, and her battle attire is practical, allowing for swift movement of a trained brawler.
Aligned Organization


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