The Hourglass Amulet of the Church of the Grim Reaper

The Hourglass Amulet of the Church of Church of The Grim Reaper is a sacred relic that embodies the core tenets of their faith. It is not merely a symbol but a relic of profound spiritual significance.  

Use in Ceremonies and Worship

During worship, the Hourglass Amulet is often placed upon the altar, a silent witness to the prayers and offerings made to Death. In funerary rites, it is turned over at the moment of passing, symbolizing the soul’s departure from the mortal realm. At the Festival of the Last Harvest, the amulet is central to the ceremony, marking the end of the cycle and the beginning of rest.  

Passages commonly seen on amulets

"Embrace the dusk of life, in the shadow of ending, the dawn of beyond whispers"
"In the quiet of the final breath, find the peace that life has promised"
"Let go the fear of the unknown, for Death’s hand is a guide, not a gauntlet"


The history of the Hourglass Amulet within the Church of the Grim Reaper began with a single priest, whose name has been lost to time but whose legacy endures through this sacred object. This priest, known for their deep contemplation of life’s transience, sought to create a symbol that would embody the essence of their deity’s domain over the mortal passage of time.   The First Hourglass: Crafted with devotion in the quiet solitude of their chamber, the first Hourglass Amulet was a personal meditation tool for the priest. It was made from materials that were significant to the teachings of Death. Obsidian for the frame, to represent protection; crystal for the glass, to signify clarity; and red-dyed sands to symbolize the blood of life.   As the priest used the amulet in services and rituals, it caught the attention of their fellow clergy. The powerful symbolism of the hourglass resonated with the core beliefs of the church, and soon other priests sought to replicate the amulet for their own use.
Over time, the practice of crafting Hourglass Amulets spread throughout the church. Each priest added their own touches to the design, but the core elements remained the same. The amulets became standard in ceremonies, with each turn of the sands marking significant moments in the worship of Death.   Eventually, the Hourglass Amulet became a common practice within the Church of the Grim Reaper. It was no longer a singular artifact but a ubiquitous symbol of the faith. The amulet’s presence reminded the faithful of the ever-present passage of time and the importance of living a life of purpose and dignity in the face of mortality.


The amulet holds great significance within the Church. It represents the finite nature of mortal life and the impartial passage of time for all beings. The turning of the sands within the hourglass reminds the faithful that every moment is precious and that death is a natural conclusion to life’s journey.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
The amulet is made from obsidian, chosen for its association with protection and strength. The Obsidian piece is personalized with chiselled passages from the church’s religious scripture, chosen by the individual based on their spiritual significance. After which the piece is gilded with gold leaf.    The glass of the hourglass is crafted from crystal, clear and unblemished, allowing the red sands within to be seen by all.   The sands within the hourglass are dyed red, not with blood as is commonly believed by outsiders, but with a rare mineral pigment found deep within the earth. This pigment is mixed with the sands in a ritual as a trainee enters the priesthood.


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