The Iron Pack

In the desolate expanse of the Dead Spance, where the very air is thick with the residue of magical cataclysm, the Iron Pact stands as the bulwark against the encroaching corruption. This organization, composed of hardened warriors and seasoned mages, dedicates itself to safeguarding the rest of Cata-Rigia from the horrors that lurk within the wasteland’s shifting sands.   Membership in the Iron Pact is not granted lightly. Each prospective member must prove their mettle through rigorous trials that test both their combat prowess and their resistance to corruption. Those who succeed are initiated into the Pact with a solemn ceremony, where they don enchanted iron amulets that symbolize their commitment and shield them from the Dead Spance’s toxic influence.   The Iron Pact were the founders and primary keepers of The Hell Gate.

Public Agenda

The Iron Pact’s primary duty is to patrol the perimeters of the Dead Spance, hunting down the abominations that emerge from its depths. These hunts are perilous, often pitting the members against creatures that defy the natural order, beasts twisted by the Neth’s dark magic, undead monstrosities, and even fallen heroes corrupted beyond recognition.   Despite the dangers, the Dead Spance holds an allure for adventurers and treasure seekers. The Iron Pact often finds itself rescuing foolhardy souls who venture into the wasteland in search of legend and loot. These rescues serve as grim reminders of the Dead Spance’s lethality and the Iron Pact’s vital role in the realm.   The ruins that dot the Dead Spance are of particular interest to the Iron Pact. Each silent city and buried temple is a piece of history, holding secrets of the past and the potential keys to understanding the convergence. The Pact’s scholars and arcanists study these relics, hoping to glean knowledge that might aid in their mission or even reverse the wasteland’s blight.


The hunts of the Iron Pact are both a necessity and a spectacle. The spoils of these dangerous excursions, corrupted monster carcasses, rare artifacts, and potent magical reagents—are highly sought after. The Pact trades these goods for gold and resources, ensuring their continued operation and allowing them to invest in ever more potent weapons and spells to combat the corruption.


The Iron Pact was formed in the aftermath of the great convergence, a cataclysmic event that transformed the once-verdant region into a deadly wasteland. Recognizing the threat posed by the corrupted creatures and twisted magic of the Dead Spance, a coalition of the realm’s most formidable defenders banded together. They swore an oath to protect the innocent and to prevent the corruption from spreading beyond the wasteland’s borders.
Alliance, Military


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