The Kingdome of Nirdhold


They are governed by the Sun King.


The Nirdholders are a joyful and spirited people, known for their colourful attire and festive traditions. Their folklore is rich with tales of sea spirits and jungle guardians. Common buildings in Nirdhold are often made from bamboo/thatch, designed to stay cool in the more heated regions and resist tropical storms. Homes are often built on stilts to protect from flooding and to catch the sea breeze.


Nirdhold’s military is as fluid as the waters they navigate, specializing in naval warfare and amphibious tactics. Their warriors are adept at using the terrain to their advantage, striking swiftly from the cover of the jungle.

Agriculture & Industry

The kingdom thrives on agriculture, fishing, and trade in exotic goods like spices, fruits, and silks. Their markets are a bustling mosaic of scents, flavors, and colors, drawing traders from across the seas.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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