The Lovers - Love - MAJOUR

In the pantheon of gods, the second deity of chaos is the enigmatic and passionate entity known as "The Lovers." Unlike the chaotic force of the World, The Lovers embody chaos in the form of emotional turmoil, desire, and the unpredictable nature of love.   The Lovers are depicted as two figures, their forms fluid and ever-changing, reflecting the dynamic nature of love itself. They may appear as androgynous beings of light and shadow, or as any combination of forms that signify the union of opposites. The Lovers represent the dualities of attraction and repulsion, passion and conflict, unity and discord. Their embrace is both tender and tumultuous, their love a whirlwind of ecstasy and agony that sweeps mortals and gods alike into its irresistible currents.   But while The Lovers may seem capricious and fickle, their love is as enduring as it is tumultuous. Despite the conflicts and struggles that arise between them, The Lovers remain bound together by an unbreakable bond, their union a symbol of the eternal dance of chaos and creation that shapes the cosmos.   Yet, for all their passion and intensity, The Lovers are not without their detractors. The gods of law, with their desire for order and stability, often view The Lovers with suspicion and disdain, seeing them as agents of discord and disruption in the orderly fabric of the universe. But try as they might to resist, the gods of law can never fully extinguish the flames of passion that burn within the hearts of mortals and gods alike.

Divine Domains

As a god of chaos, The Lovers revel in the unpredictability and spontaneity of emotion, delighting in the myriad ways that love can bring joy, sorrow, and everything in between. They are the patrons of star-crossed lovers and forbidden romances, their influence felt in the hearts and souls of all who experience the highs and lows of romantic entanglement.   The Lovers' influence is seen in the whirlwind romances that change the course of history, the passions that drive people to greatness or despair, and the unexpected bonds that form across all barriers.


Their artifacts are often items that inspire deep emotion, such as a locket that shows the beholder's true love or a mirror that reveals the heart's desires.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols of The Lovers include intertwined hearts or a rose with thorns.

Tenets of Faith

The Lovers teach that love is the most potent force in the universe, capable of overcoming any obstacle. They encourage their followers to follow their hearts, even when the path is fraught with peril.


The sacred times for The Lovers' followers are moments of celestial alignment, like conjunctions and transits, which symbolize the rare and powerful unions in love. Rituals often involve the exchange of tokens of affection or the recitation of love poems.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Lovers' ultimate purpose is not to sow discord but to celebrate the boundless expressions of love. They strive to ensure that the cosmos remains a place where every soul can experience the transformative power of love.
Divine Classification
Majour God of Chaos

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