The Moon - Longing

The Moon symbolizes illusion, mystery, and the subconscious mind. The Moon is often depicted as an ethereal figure, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, with a face that changes with the phases of the moon.   The Moon embodies the chaotic energies unleashed by the depths of the psyche and the mysteries of the unknown.

Divine Domains

The Moon governs the intangible realms of dreams, intuition, and the subconscious. This deity's influence is felt in the shifting tides of emotion and perception, guiding those who navigate the uncertain waters of the psyche.   The Moon's influence is felt in the pull of the tides, the stirrings of the night, and the revelations that come from exploring one's inner depths.


Artifacts linked to The Moon might include a cloak that grants the wearer lucid dreams or an amulet that protects against nightmares and illusions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols associated with The Moon include the crescent, representing cycles and change, and a mirror, symbolizing reflection and the hidden self.

Tenets of Faith

The Moon teaches that not all is as it seems and that reality is often a matter of perspective. Adherents are encouraged to trust their instincts, to look beyond the surface, and to embrace the wisdom found in the shadows of their minds.


The holy days for The Moon are aligned with lunar events, such as new moons, full moons, and eclipses. Rituals involve divination, dream interpretation, and ceremonies that celebrate the mysteries of the subconscious.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of the Moon is to delve into the depths of dreams and intuition, confronting fears to uncover hidden truths.
Divine Classification
Minor God of Chaos

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