The Neth Convergence Physical / Metaphysical Law in Zæthéria | World Anvil

The Neth Convergence

The Neth Convergence was a cataclysmic event that forever altered the region now known as The Dead Spance. It was not merely a collision of realms but a catastrophic fusion that melded the laws of both worlds into a twisted new reality.   In the days leading up to the convergence, ominous signs appeared. The sky darkened with streaks of unnatural purple, and the air crackled with arcane energy. Animals fled, and plants withered as the land began to sicken. Then, without warning, the two realms fused. The very ground heaved and buckled as the two planes merged. Mountains crumbled, rivers evaporated, and forests became graveyards of petrified wood. The sky itself tore open, unleashing torrents of raw magical force that scoured the land. This maelstrom of power was so intense that it reshaped the region, warping it into a reflection of the Neth’s desolate and infernal landscape.   In the aftermath, the Dead Spance lay transformed. The air became thick with a miasma that corroded flesh and spirit alike. The sun, once a source of life, now loomed like a baleful eye, its rays searing any creature daring enough to traverse the open wastes. The land itself became anathema to life, repelling it with every grain of its cursed sands.   As the realms collided, many inhabitants perished instantly, consumed by the unleashed magical forces. Those who survived the initial cataclysm found themselves in a world unrecognizable and hostile. The land they had cultivated for generations became barren, and the air they breathed turned poisonous. Some groups banded together, forming tight-knit communities in a desperate bid to reclaim some semblance of their former lives. They dug deep into the earth, creating subterranean havens shielded from the toxic atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the damage was already done and the survivors began to be changed under the Neth’s influence. These individuals were mutated to adapt to the harsh conditions above ground. Their bodies and minds altered, granting them the ability to withstand the miasma and harness the distorted magic of the wasteland. Over time, they became something other than humanoid, twisted mockeries of what once was. Flora and fauna also adapted to the harsh conditions, becoming as ruthless and unforgiving.


In the days leading up to the convergence, ominous signs appeared. The sky darkened with streaks of unnatural purple, and the air crackled with arcane energy. Animals fled, and plants withered as the land began to sicken. Then, without warning, the two realms fused.
The very ground heaved and buckled as the two planes merged. Mountains crumbled, rivers evaporated, and forests became graveyards of petrified wood. The sky itself tore open, unleashing torrents of raw magical force that scoured the land. This maelstrom of power was so intense that it reshaped the region, warping it into a reflection of the Neth’s desolate and infernal landscape.


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