The Tower - Failure

The Tower represents upheaval, destruction, and the breaking down of old structures. The Tower is depicted as a once-mighty structure now struck by lightning, a visual metaphor for sudden change.   The Tower embodies the chaotic energies unleashed by sudden and unexpected change.

Divine Domains

The Tower rules over the chaotic forces of destruction and rebirth. This deity's influence is most profound during times of upheaval when old ways are torn down to make way for the new. The Tower's energy is necessary for progress, though it often comes with a price.   The Tower's influence is felt in the chaos of a storm, the shock of a revolution, and the personal epiphanies that lead to dramatic shifts in perspective and lifestyle.


Artifacts linked to The Tower might include a shard of stone from a fallen tower that inspires change or a talisman that protects against the dangers of sudden upheaval.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols associated with The Tower include a lightning bolt, representing the suddenness of change, and flames, symbolizing the cleansing power of destruction.

Tenets of Faith

The Tower teaches that from destruction comes the opportunity for new growth. Adherents are encouraged to embrace change, no matter how disruptive, and to find the seeds of renewal within it.


The holy days for The Tower are marked by events that symbolize great change, such as anniversaries of natural disasters or revolutions. Rituals involve the symbolic tearing down of structures or the burning of effigies to represent the release from old bonds.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of the Tower is to catalyze upheaval and the destruction of old structures, paving the way for transformation.
Divine Classification
Minor God of Chaos

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