The Wheel of Fortune - The Unpredictable

The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, destiny, and the cyclical nature of life. The Wheel of Fortune is depicted as an ever-spinning wheel, often inscribed with symbols or runes that represent the various aspects of fate.   The Wheel of Fortune embodies the chaotic energies unleashed by the ever-changing tides of fortune and circumstance.

Divine Domains

The Wheel of Fortune governs the capricious nature of fate and the cycles that define the mortal experience. This deity's influence is omnipresent in the fortunes and misfortunes that befall creatures, reminding all that the wheel is always turning.   The Wheel of Fortune's influence is felt in the unexpected twists of fate, the sudden turns of luck, and the moments when the unlikely becomes reality.


Artifacts linked to The Wheel of Fortune might include a coin that always lands on its edge or a die that shows an unexpected face when cast.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols associated with The Wheel of Fortune include the wheel itself, representing the cycles of life, and a spiral, symbolizing the constant change and evolution.

Tenets of Faith

The Wheel of Fortune teaches that change is the only constant and that one must learn to adapt to the turns of fate. Adherents are encouraged to seize opportunities, to be resilient in the face of setbacks, and to understand that their actions can influence the spin of the wheel.


The holy days for The Wheel of Fortune are not fixed; they are celebrated in moments of great change or transition. Rituals involve the casting of lots, the telling of fortunes, and the invocation of luck and good fortune.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of the Wheel of Fortune is to embrace the cyclical nature of fate and the power to shape one's own destiny.
Divine Classification
Minor God of Chaos

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