
Thesses grew up in a small village surrounded by the wilds, where she learned the delicate art of childbirth and the potent power of herbs. Her mother, a renowned healer, passed down her knowledge of potions, poisons, and herbal medicines, ensuring Thesses was well-versed in the natural remedies of the world.   Thesses is a gentle soul with a caring nature, especially towards children and those she considers close. She abhors violence, yet she's no stranger to the harsh realities of life outside the safety of her village. Thesses understands that sometimes, one must fight to protect the innocent and preserve peace.   Herbalism:** Thesses is skilled in identifying, harvesting, and preparing medicinal herbs. She can concoct salves, tinctures, and teas to treat various ailments.
  • **Midwifery:** With steady hands and a calming presence, Thesses has ushered countless new lives into the world. Her expertise is sought after by expectant mothers far and wide.
  • **Alchemy:** Her knowledge extends to the alchemical, allowing her to brew potions that can heal, harm, or induce a range of mystical effects.
  • **Poison Knowledge:** While she detests using it, Thesses is knowledgeable about poisons. This knowledge is a necessary evil, primarily used to deter those who would harm her charges.
  • Thesses believes in the sanctity of life and the importance of nurturing the young and vulnerable. She holds a deep respect for nature and the balance it represents.


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