Worship of The World

Worship of The World is unlike that of any other deity in the pantheon. It is not confined to temples or shrines; instead, it is practised in the wild places, where the land itself is alive with the deity’s chaotic energy. The ceremonies are designed to reflect the ever-changing nature of The World, with rituals really containing similar features or aspects.

Rite of the Currents

The most sacred ceremony is the Rite of the Currents, performed during the equinoxes when day and night are of equal length, symbolizing the balance of chaos within order. Followers gather at the confluence of rivers or the edges of shifting sands—places where the power of The World is most potent. There, they cast offerings into the waters or sands, be it precious gems or written scrolls of desires and fears, allowing them to be taken by the flow or buried by the winds, symbolizing the surrender of their fates to the deity’s will.

Dance of the Shifting Forms

Another key practice is the Dance of the Shifting Forms, a ritual that involves elaborate costumes and masks that seem to resemble nothing and everything, participants don and shed these costumes at random in a frenzied dance. This dance represents the many faces of The World and the many forms that life can take. The dancers move to the rhythm of drums that mimic the heartbeat of the dancers, their movements spontaneous and unrehearsed, embodying the essence of chaos.

Festival of Unfettered Wishes

The Festival of Unfettered Wishes is a time when the followers of the world express their deepest desires, no matter how fleeting or capricious. During this festival, it is believed that The World listens most closely to the whims of its followers, and so followers write their desires on a scrap of paper, rip them into pieces and scatter them as far as possible, often in the flow of rapids or strong winds.

The Observance of the Maelstrom

In times of great upheaval, such as the onset of a storm or the eruption of a volcano, the followers of The World gather to witness and celebrate the raw power of their deity. This ceremony, known as the Observance of the Maelstrom, is both a worship service and a testament to the might of The World. The faithful chant and sing as they stand at the edge of nature’s fury, finding beauty and reverence in the destruction and creation that unfolds before them.


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