Zak Winwiser

Zak is an air genasi with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an incredibly self-assured ego. Zak stands out among his classmates as a living embodiment of the elemental forces. He excels in the school of Transmutation, harnessing his innate connection to the elements to reshape reality itself.   Present year: 5   Background: Zak was born amidst the swirling energies of an Elemental incursion. His parents were simple farmers from Costi'ark in Stiltis and they instilled in him a deep respect for the power and beauty of their home. From a young age, Zak showed an aptitude for bending the air currents to his will.   Personality: Zak is curious and adventurous, with a mind as open as the skies he loves. He is quick to laugh and quicker to make friends, drawing others in with his infectious enthusiasm for discovery. His wanderlust is matched only by his dedication to mastering his magical abilities.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zak’s hair is a tumult of white and light blue, flowing and shifting as if caught in a perpetual breeze. When channelling his magical energy his eyes sparkle like lightning, and when he focuses, you can almost see the clouds reflected within them. He dresses in flowing garments that billow around him, accentuating his connection to the air.

Personality Characteristics


Zak’s dream is to understand the farthest reaches of the universe and to learn from the myriad cultures and creatures that dwell within it. He aims to become a master of Transmutation, using his powers to bridge worlds and develop an understanding of the elemental lords.


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Jun 1, 2024 06:36

Typo under General Physical Condition, channelling spelt channeling