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Flarrian City

Flarrian city is now the oldest settlement still standing.  This was not something that just happened or just worked out.  The flarrians fought hard for all they have.  they were here long before the Amolaxx struck the shore of Zenna and changed everything about this continent.  The flarians are one of two native populations to this land.  The flarians and the Reapers had thriving communities, off in different parts of the continent.    The Reapers did not know about the Flarrians and the flarrians did not know about the reapers.  The flarrians had built their city in the forest of Amma, in a cavern where they are protected from much of the crazy weather patterns which rule over Zenna.  It is often stormy, cool and rainy.  The cavern does not see much rain with the angle and the thinness of the opening, though, it does have many many stunning waterfalls that line one edge.     When the Kingdom of the Elements was getting established, they wanted the Flarrians just to join them and be united under one king.  The flarrians fought hard to keep their way of life in the forest.  The kingdom of the elements felt they were too close not to join, or war with them.  After a long bloody battle, whipping out much of the flarrian population, the flarrians won out.     Today, the flarrian tribe has a treaty with the kingdom of the Elements.  They have their own government but are still considered a part of the kingdom.  Most today are unaware of the bloody history.  They only know their culture is ancient, they are unsure if they came from the same place the Elementals did.  Their powers are similar, and their appearance is not too different.  Their city remains very traditional, and most grown old and die in the city, never leaving.  They still speak their ancient language as well and english.


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