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In the Norselands there is a material that is seldom used elsewhere in Zeimia. Runes are symbols that are carved on small rocks that emit magical energy. The few magic users within the Norselands that were not trained by the elves in Mélemardor use these special objects to cast magic. How exactly they work and how they come to be is a mystery to most aside from the Aesir. Odin at one point sacrificed himself to himself in order to gain all the secret knowledge of runes.   Many fortune tellers and secluded wise women in the Norselands use runes in their magical aids and fortunetelling. While the Aesir have a definite connection with runes, they are not considered divine, but arcane in nature. When examined by spells such as detect magic or identify it can be seen that they exude magical energy but not usually from any particular school of magic. How they function on a basic level is pretty easy to get a hang of.   A rune is a small rock that can fit in the palm of your hand with a glowing symbol carved into it. The symbol is written in a dead language but the meaning of a particular symbol is key to what that particular rune can do. A symbol meaning fire, for example, may cause a rune to be able to cast any spell involving fire. The level and power of a spell cast from a rune depends on the amount of magical ability a particular rune has. Some runes contain more power than others and some regain their magical ability more quickly than others.   The Norse view these magic stones as a blessing from the Aesir and their birthright. They do not share these materials with other cultures and have been known to raid places that are hold them. This has led to a severe lack of research into the stones and them selling for an extraordinarily high price in black markets.


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