Earis, Goddess of Loss

Divine Domains

Domain: grave & tempest   Earis is the goddess of loss, storms, and decay.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The third eye of Earis in the center of the forehead glowing white is a common symbol of Earis.   The 7 banded silver bracelet is another favored symbol of Earis. The bracelet is often seen as 7 identical, smooth silver bands of metal, but those that are closer to Earis know that the first and last bands are different, each one representing a piece of Earis belief: the closest to her elbow is pocked with holes and rust and representative of decay while the one closest to her hand is engraved with a bolt of lightning.   Earis wears a magnificent cloak of lavish furs and feathers from across her shoulders and down her back. To wear a replica of this cloak is to show either the most pious devotion or great disrespect.

Tenets of Faith

As the goddess of loss, Earis has somewhat fetishized the feeling of instilling loss in somebody else. From as meager a task as to take the last piece of food from a platter when others wait behind to stealing away a fortune from a kingdom  or sending news that the last family member to a young child has been killed. Loss in all forms fuels the desire to continue the cycle in the followers of Earis.    In addition, as the goddess of storms Earis has instilled in her followers a love for uncontrollable power and destruction. To become like the storm is to live life to it's fullest. When you have left a village in tatters and ruin and the citizens tell tales of how you were worse than a tornado you should feel a connection to Earis as though she were there congratulating you in person.   Fewer people know Earis as the goddess of decay, but all agree that she deserves the title as her other domains clearly embody it. To lose and whither away in the raving winds of depression and loss is to one last time deliver an offering to Earis.
Divine Classification
Greater deity
Related Myths
Character Portrait image: by Jason Engle


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